Feb '19

January 2019 Update: 2018 in Review
Posted on Feb 1, 2019 in Blog Posts, Burma, Cambodia, Jim Randall, Laos, Laos Orphanage, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Bible School, Peru Corazones en Fuego, Peru Feeding Centers, Peru Mission Teams, Peru Youth Camps, Thailand, Uncategorized, Vietnam |
Feb '19

2018 was undoubtedly one of our most fruitful years as a ministry! Together by God’s grace we spread the gospel to thousands in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, Thailand, and Vietnam. We praise God for His faithfulness to provide each and every need, and for you, our mission support team. When God called, you prayed and gave. In doing so, you became an answer to the prayers and cries for help of those we minister to around the world. Without your help, we could not do what we do! Thank you!
In 2018, we took some new steps of faith together. We took on the support of five new indigenous missionaries and church planters in Cambodia. We expanded the Christmas Blessing Project into 22 villages in Cambodia, including 12 unreached villages and more!
We feel truly honored to work with some of the finest, most dedicated Christian workers on the planet. We feel especially grateful to partner with Jim Randall, who continues to travel throughout SE Asia training indigenous leaders, writing and publishing training materials. He has now begun working with others to create child discipleship materials for our partners throughout SE Asia.

Our Cambodia Partners ministering the gospel of Jesus Christ to the unreached in June.
in 2018, because of our partners’ dedication to the Lord and His Great Commission:
- Thousands surrendered their lives to Jesus Christ through the preaching of the gospel, including Buddhists who turned from their hopeless faith to the resurrected Christ.
- Many Southeast Asian animists and ancestor worshippers saw the glorious light of the gospel of Jesus. In response to His grace, they burned spirit houses outside their homes and cut “magic” necklaces and bracelets from around their necks and wrists.
- Many were healed supernaturally by the power of Jesus Christ after mysticism and medicine failed to heal them. Many came to Jesus Christ because of the healing power of God that they witnessed.
- Many demonized people were set free from the spirits of darkness and came to freedom and newness of life in Jesus Christ.
- Children at the Laos Children’s Home grew in their faith, and those who were rescued from human trafficking celebrated their new lives.

Children from the Laos Children’s home receiving daily Bible teaching.
You’ve changed their lives!
• Hundreds of prisoners in Peru saw and responded to the glorious light of the gospel. They were baptized in water and began studying God’s word through Pacto de Vida Bible School classes.
• Many children in the Peru Feeding Centers & Discipleship ministries continued to grow in their faith in Jesus Christ.
• Thousands received eyeglasses and the gospel through the Eyeglass Clinic Outreaches in Peru and Cambodia.
• Many young people found a deeper relationship with the Lord through our youth camp outreaches in Peru, Vietnam and Florida. Including the Hearts on Fire/Corazones en Fuego Youth Discipleship group in Peru.
It’s impossible for us to contain all that God did this year in a single newsletter. To our mission supporters, we want you to know that God used you powerfully. We want to thank you for your prayers and support in 2018.
We ask you to stand with us in 2019 as we continue to expand our worldwide gospel mission. To learn 4 easy ways you can join arms with us, please click the red button below!