Aug '21

July 2021: World Mission Updates
Posted on Aug 14, 2021 in Cambodia, India, India Orphanage, India Slum School, Laos Orphanage, Laos Pastor K, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Aug '21

New Faces at the Laos Children’s Home

FTS’s Laos Children’s Home is a spiritual oasis, center for learning, and hub of discipleship fully funded by Message Ministries. Some older housemates recently graduated High School, so new, younger residents have taken their place. The graduates were wonderfully impacted through the love and discipleship they received from Pastor S. and the FTS home leaders. They came from darkness into God’s marvelous light! Let’s pray that God would work powerfully in the lives of the graduates and the new children.
In the picture below the Children’s Home residents pray for another young boy. Pastor S. and other leaders stress the importance of praying to God the Father and bringing every need to Him in Jesus’s name. They teach them young to depend on God and memorize God’s promises and commands. Praise God!
Thanks for your love and support! You’ve helped us SHARE GOD’S HOPE with these kids by providing practical needs, leading them to Jesus Christ, and showing them the path of discipleship. God bless you!
Pray for Pastor Kh___ in Laos

Please take a moment to pray for Pastor K. of FTS ministries. We support this Laotian missionary-pastor every month through the generosity of our mission support team. Pastor K. has planted churches in eight Laotian villages—and has trained up five evangelists to keep reaching those villages (and others) by hosting outreaches and planting churches with the new believers. Pastor K. understands the importance of training others to go preach the gospel and make disciples. This New Testament principle has borne much fruit through his ministry. Glory to God!
Please pray for Pastor K., his family, these five evangelists, and the new believers won through their Kingdom work. Pray for God’s continued provision for his ministry and family, and for health as he and his team travel to remote Laotian villages. Thank you!
Pray Against Persecution in India

India’s Christian ministries are facing severely difficult times. Our long-time partner, LHM India, had to open a new government-approved bank account because authorities restricted their original account from receiving foreign donations. This same ban applies to every Christian ministry in India—as well as many non-government organizations. LHM just received approval for the account, finally allowing us to send much-needed mission support to five indigenous pastors, the LHM children’s home, and the slum school. We share very little about this partnership to avert the risk of harassment from Indian authorities.
Please pray for Pastor S. and his family as they lead LHM. Also, pray for the other leaders and the children of the LHM orphanage and slum school. These are very difficult times for them but they keep pressing on in faith.
Praise Report: A Joyful Noise in Cambodia

Not long ago, we sent funds to buy guitars and ukuleles for Mercy Village Church in a slum of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The children received the instruments and began their music and discipleship lessons. Rin sent this picture recently, which shows the children playing their instruments and singing during a worship time at Mercy Village Church. What an excellent opportunity for these children to discover, learn, practice, and share their God-given talents!
I’m a huge fan of Rin, his team, and the work they do at Mercy Village. These children live in extreme poverty, and Mercy Village serves as a spiritual oasis for them amidst some of Cambodia’s worst living conditions. Thank you, Lord, for Mercy Village, their dedicated Christian leaders, and the opportunities they have to love, reach, help, and disciple these children and their families. Please continue to bless them in every way. We pray this in the glorious name of Jesus Christ, our Lord, and Savior! Amen!
Finally, we want to thank you for your prays and donations towards these instruments. Together we are SHARING GOD’S HOPE in some of Cambodia’s toughest slums.

Senders Focus August 2021
A Prison Ministry Outreach Opportunity in Peru

Our long-time Peru mission partner, Pastor Fabian, visits and ministers at the prison in Huaraz, Peru. He partners with ministers from the Assemblies of God in Huaraz, and they have had a great response from the prisoners. The prison has given permission to host bible studies, discipleship groups, and worship services inside the jail in Ward #1. With many Covid-19 quarantines in Peru, they have not had many visitors at the prison in the past year. But that has not stopped their ministry! God has moved in powerful ways, and many prisoners have given their hearts to the Lord. Now they must be discipled.
The Huaraz group of pastors sent a request for help to Pastor Fabian, a leader with Message Ministries in Peru. We want to share that request with you and ask you to consider helping. The prison has provided a place for these believers to meet. But they need 50 plastic chairs, one 40-foot by 30-foot tarp for shelter, 10 boxes of paper (1,000 sheets each), and ink for their printer to print Bible study materials. The total amount requested is $700. If the Lord touches your heart to assist in meeting this need, we welcome your help. We have assisted Pastor Fabian over the years with this ministry at the prison in Huaraz, and JJ Weller has preached there a couple of times.
To make a special donation towards this prison outreach please click the link below and select Peru – Prison Ministry from the drop menu. Thank you.
In His service, Brian Weller