Aug '18

July – If She Only Knew Before and Cambodia Video
Posted on Aug 3, 2018 in Cambodia, News, Newsletter | Tags: 10/40 window, cambodia, church planters, evangelism, fisher of men, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, messageministries and missions, southeast asia, unreached, unreached people groups, upg, upg's
Aug '18

I’ve looked at these pictures many times since our return from Cambodia. Whenever I look into the eyes of this dear woman I wonder why it took so long for her to hear the gospel of Jesus Christ. I think about how I could have responded earlier to God’s call to send the gospel to hurting people like her in the 10/40 Window. I’ve thought about how God could have transformed her and her family’s lives if she only heard about Jesus Christ earlier. I know we can’t turn back time — but knowing what I know now I certainly would have managed our mission work differently. If I knew then what I know now, I would have placed fewer efforts towards reached countries and more towards the unreached areas of the world we work in now.

She welcomes prayer from Pastor C.S.
Very few unreached people remain in the countries we ministered in before. I praise God for that! I praise God for the missionaries and indigenous Christian ministers who have worked so powerfully. Because of those workers, these nations don’t need much help anymore. The native people can finish the task of evangelizing their nations with a handful of strategic missionaries by their side.
Please take a minute and look at the charts we compiled with information from www.joshuaproject.net. Compare the progress of Guatemala and Honduras (where we used to work) to Cambodia and Thailand (two countries we work in now).
Amazing difference right? This shows what nations we need to prioritize

God has given Message Ministries a mission to inspire American Christians to send the message of Jesus Christ to unreached people like the woman above— people who have never heard of Jesus Christ before. We want them to find the same hope that we’ve found in Jesus Christ. Will you help us?
By God’s grace and a great team of mission supporters we just sent off our first month of financial support for five indigenous Cambodian missionaries. These missionaries are planting churches in the unreached Cambodian villages we evangelized in June.
Thank you for your prayers and financial support which make it possible for us to reach the unreached!

Thank you for supporting our 2018 Vietnam youth camp! We originally planned to host the camp in the Central Highlands, but hosted at last year’s location instead. About 60 young people gathered for three days of worship, fellowship, and teaching by Jim, JJ and I. We chose the theme “ASCEND,” and we taught on our need to ASCEND in our relationship with the Lord and God’s call. During this camp, we were blessed to help baptize ten young people in the East China Sea!
Please pray for these disciples and their leaders as they serve the Lord in Vietnam. We pray that God uses our time of teaching and fellowship to continually inspire them to greater things with the Lord!

Multitudes of Cambodians plunge into eternity every year without ever hearing of Jesus Christ. Cambodia’s lost souls need Jesus more than ever! Will you join our rescue mission?
Message Ministries is partnering with Cambodia’s Christian leaders to reach its unreached millions. Through effective evangelism, long-term discipleship, church planting initiatives and Christian leadership training, we are reaching the unreached and training new disciples to do the same.
You can help us cover Cambodia with God’s great news! You can fully support a Cambodian church planter for only $150 a month? Or, if you would like to support one partially you can make a donation of $30 or more. We have sponsors for the five we committed to and have sent off their first months support. With your help we can add another 2 or 3 church planters/indigenous missionaries.
In the coming months we will share about the church planters we are supporting so you can pray for them and their ministries.
Join the mission!
Click the button below to adopt an indigenous church planter for only $150 a month or to be a partial supporter with a gift of $30 or more.
June – God’s Power in Asia – Preparing to GO – Videos and MoreJune 1, 2018In “News”
July 6, 2018 – Mission Accomplished – Cambodia ReportJuly 7, 2018In “News”
February 2017March 2, 2017In “News”
July 6, 2018 – Mission Accomplished – Cambodia ReportJuly 7, 2018In “News”
February 2017March 2, 2017In “News”
January 2016January 26, 2016In “News”