Jun '17

June 2017 – Pray for Mission Teams
Posted on Jun 12, 2017 in Cambodia, News, Peru, Peru Feeding Centers, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Vietnam | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, corazones en fuego, Cross Street Mission team, cross street youth, discipleship, evangelism, eyeglass clinic outreach, fishers of men, great commission, Jim Randall, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, orphans, Peru, peru camp, peru missions, Peru Youth, Peru Youth Camp, prefab homes, southeast asia, Spiritual growth, unreached people groups, upg
Jun '17

We’ve sent this month’s newsletter early because we will not return from SE Asia until July 3rd. We ask you to please pray for the three teams listed below. These teams will partner with Message Ministries to reach souls in Peru and SE Asia over the next 30 days. Please pray daily as we GO! Your prayers will make an eternal difference. Please pray that the teams would go out in the power of the Holy Spirit to minister the message of Eternal Life found in Jesus Christ. Thank you!
SE ASIA TEAM – Cambodia and Vietnam – June 13 – July 2
June 13-14: Travel to SE Asia.
June 15: Fly to Pnomh Penh, Cambodia – Prepare for Missionary Training Camp
June 16-19: Minister at REACH Indigenous Missionary Training & Discipleship Camp
June 20-24: Daily Ministry in an around Pnomh Penh, including ministry in the Ang Dang and Steung Meanchey Slum Communities. We will do street and door to door evangelism, including praying for the sick. We will also do Eyeglass Clinic Outreaches and minister in some churches.
June 24: We will open our first SE Asia Children’s Ministry Feeding Center and Discipleship Ministry.
June 25: Arrive in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon), Vietnam at Night
June 26: Day of Planning for Indigenous Missionary Training & Discipleship Camp
June 27-29: Minister at REACH Indigenous Missionary Training & Discipleship Camp
June 30 – July 1: Visit and Minister in Vietnamese Villages.
July 2: Fly to Bangkok, Thailand then Return Home to the USA.
June 15: Arrive in Lima, Peru – Prepare for Run the Race Youth Retreat
June 16-18: Run the Race Youth Retreat #1 at the MMM Mission Base in Marquez with the Corazones en Fuego Team.
June 19-20: Build a Prefabricated Home for a needy Family in Pachacutec.
June 21: Ministry in two public schools in Pachacutec and an Eyeglass Clinic Outreach.
June 22: Team Day Off
June 23-25: Run the Race Youth Retreat #1 at the MMM Mission Base in Marquez with the Corazones en Fuego Team.
June 26: Return to USA
June 16-18: Run the Race Youth Retreat #1 at the MMM Mission Base in Marquez with the Corazones en Fuego Team.
June 19-20: Build a Prefabricated Home for a needy Family in Pachacutec.
June 21: Ministry in two public schools in Pachacutec and an Eyeglass Clinic Outreach.
June 22: Team Day Off
June 23-25: Run the Race Youth Retreat #1 at the MMM Mission Base in Marquez with the Corazones en Fuego Team.
June 26: Return to USA
July 1: Arrive in Lima, Peru – Minister at Children’s Feeding Center Ministry in Pachacutec. Minister at Youth Meeting in Marquez or Street Outreach at night.
July 2: Morning Ministry at church in Ancon. Eyeglass Clinic Outreach and Church Service in Costa Azul.
July 3-6: Build 2 Prefabricated Homes for needy Families in Pachacutec and Seis de Abril.
July 7: Day Off
July 8: Ministry at three Children’s Ministry Feeding Centers in Costa Azul, Pachacutec and Seis de Abril
July 9: Return to USA
Text “SEASIACAMPS” & preferred amount to 1-727-877-3224 (1-727-87-REACH).

Please continue to Pray for Jim Randall as he ministers throughout the 10/40 window. Prayer support for Jim is so very important as he ministers to many indigenous missionaries, pastors and leaders in that part of the world.
God is using Jim to make these leaders much more effective in their ministries to those who have not hear and to new converts to Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Message Ministries