Jul '21

June 2021: A Missionary Highlight; Instruments for Cambodian Youth
Posted on Jul 1, 2021 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, Cambodia, News, Newsletter, Thai Pastor I, Thailand, Uncategorized |
Jul '21

This month, we begin something we call the Missionary Highlight—a segment that will occasionally replace our typical newsletter. In each highlight edition, we’ll shed light on the life of one of our native mission partners, telling their story from our memory or as explained by their leaders. We hope these testimonies will inspire God’s people to support and pray for these little-known heroes of the faith.
Pastor Isara and Joy:
Sharing God’s Message of Hope in Thailand
A few years ago, Pastor Isara, his wife Joy, and their children left their hometown in northern Thailand to plant a church south of them. They had prayed fervently about the move and received the blessing of their leaders—but it still required a massive step of faith. They sought and found the city God called them to and left the security of their home, work, friends, and family.
The Holy Spirit led them to a rental property large enough for them to live and minister from. Then the hard work began! They didn’t know anyone, so they took time to build relationships. Through those God-ordained friendships, doors began to open, and the church soon held its first meeting. What an exciting day for Pastor Isara and Joy as they greeted the handful of souls who had responded to their invitation to this thing called church!

Pastor Isara & Joy praying before the baptism of new believers.
Thailand has very few Christians. Out of about 70 million people, 88.7% are Buddhists, and only .65% are evangelical Christians. In fact, no churches existed in Isara’s new town until he planted one. I remember visiting Pastor Isara and Joy not long after they planted that church. The meeting room they had prepared was less than 300 square feet, but these dedicated, faith-filled church planters saw it as a cathedral. We intently listened as they shared in soft-spoken excitement about what lay ahead. As we talked, I couldn’t help but notice how they had set up that little room to minister to every age group.

Thai children worshipping at a children’s youth retreat we sponsored.
I had come with David, leader of FTS Ministries, missionary Jim Randall, and Phil Kurpe, a friend from Florida. As we drove away, I remember asking David about Pastor Isara and Joy. After hearing more of their testimony, I told David that Message Ministries would support their ministry every month—and we have ever since. Their humility and dedication inspired me deeply that day. I look forward to reuniting with them to help host eyeglass clinics and evangelistic outreaches. In the meantime, we love hearing from them, praying for them, and sending extra help when needed.

Pastor Isara with two young men he led to the Lord and baptized.
When God said, “Who will I send?” Isara and Joy replied, “Here we are Lord, send us.” They made a sacrifice to reach Thailand with the gospel, and God is using them mightily. Now you are one of the few who has heard of their hard work for God’s Kingdom. Would you please take a few moments to pray for Pastor Isara, Joy, their children, and the souls they’ve won to Jesus Christ over the last five years? This family needs and deserves our prayers—and so do these new followers of Jesus Christ who likely face persecution for their faith.
In closing, I want to thank all of our mission supporters and prayer team. You play a crucial role in Isara’s ministry through your prayers and offerings. May God bless and inspire you as you serve the Lord Jesus Christ and fulfill His call to reach this world with the gospel. Gloria a Dios!
God bless you, Brian Weller
To learn more about Pastor Isara and Joy, click here.
Cambodia Mission Opportunity
Guitars for Children

We are truly blessed to partner with Rin at Mercy Village in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. We help them as the Lord leads and recently provided funds for some acoustic guitars for the older youth. He disciples these youth as he teaches them music, and Rin is an excellent musician and pastor. These children live in an impoverished area, and God has used Rin and his ministry team to lead them to Jesus. I told Rin a while ago to let us know when another opportunity arises. That opportunity just occurred, and I am excited about it! I hope you will be too! This opportunity is for a younger group of Christian boys who are waiting and eager to learn. (We hope to do something for the girls soon!)

Here is what Rin wrote to me last week:
“Good Morning, brother Brian. May the Lord richly bless you. Brother! May I ask you a favor? I need some guitars to start new guitar classes with the younger boys as they are hungry to learn. I went to check at the Christian Music Shop today. The brother there is really generous to discount the prices a lot for me as he knows that I am helping the poor children to learn. Yes, I praise the Lord for that. We need 7 guitars. We will start new classical guitar classes with them. God is raising them up to be his instruments, and I know our enemy won’t like it when he hears these kids praising God.”
If you would like to help with this opportunity, we have included the costs of the instruments below.
3 Acoustic Guitars $100 each = $300
2 Classical Guitars $85 each = $170
2 Classical Guitars $70 each = $140
6 Guitar Hangers at $7 each = $42
The total need is $662
We welcome your help to sponsor a guitar or two or more! I think you will agree that’s a lot of guitars for a minimal amount of money. The good news is Rin and his team will disciple these children as they teach them music. Gloria a Dios!
To help with this need and to learn more about Mercy Village, click here.