Laotian Pastor Kh***eo Breaks New Ground for the Gospel in Unreached Village

Awesome news! Recently, our partner Pastor Kh***eo embarked on a mission to reach a new unreached village in Laos. He shared the gospel with clarity and power, and God began a work of redemption. As a result, several villagers responded to the message of God’s grace in Jesus Christ.
A dedicated laborer for Christ, Pastor K. wins souls, plants churches, trains Christian pastors, and ministers to the saints in the unreached nation of Laos.
In his seventies, he mainly focuses on training the younger generation to preach God’s Word with power and accuracy.
We feel honored to support Pastor K. as he reaches into remote villages like this one. Laos desperately needs faithful Christian laborers, as 79.8% of its population has minimal exposure to the gospel.