Posted on Apr 5, 2018 in Burma, News, Newsletter, Peru, Thailand, Vietnam | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, discipleship, evangelism, great commission, Indigenous missions, messageministries and missions, southeast asia
As we celebrate Jesus this Resurrection weekend we are ever so grateful for the love, grace, mercy and goodness of God. He loves us so much that He sent Jesus to make a way of salvation through His horrendously painful sacrifice on the cross.
Without Jesus we would be utterly lost, living in darkness, without hope in this life and for eternity.
Now, because of His great love, we are committed to sharing His gospel throughout the world. God’s desire is our desire and we are determined to GO and SEND, so that others can hear this message of salvation found in Jesus Christ. Thank you for partnering with us to fulfill His call.
In the last few weeks we’ve received the following reports from the indigenous missionaries we support. Below are just a few of those reports.
Last month we sent a picture of Evangelist T____ and his dear wife. We are thrilled to report that with the new motorcycle we provided with your help, they visited an area where Cambodians live in Vietnam and work in the factories there. While there they led three families to the Lord and they are planting a new church there! Praise God!

Evangelist T______ Sharing the testimony about the new believers and the new church at one of the other churches in Vietnam.
Please pray for Jim Randall as he lives and ministers in the 10/40 window. He needs your prayers as he ventures into these different countries to train and counsel leaders on how to be more effective in the Kingdom of God. He is doing some of that training right now in Vi_____. Thank you!
A couple of weeks ago Pastor and Mrs. Isara led two more people to the Lord in the church they pastor. They are working hard to reach their community with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
This is something to celebrate. Thailand is a country where only .5% are Christians. Praise God!
Pastor J______ led a married couple to the Lord recently and baptized them as the Lord commanded us.
They are working hard to share the Good News of Jesus Christ.
Here again, this is something to celebrate in a country with so few Christians, right in the heart of the 10/40 window.
Praise God!
Pastor P_____ was teaching and training leaders how to preach the gospel clearly and to biblically pray for the sick. He then took them to a local hospital to pray for the sick. One family received instant healing. When they got out of the hospital, they visited the church and gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus. Praise God!
JJ has been ministering in Peru since January. He has been ministering in different churches and doing Evangelism Conferences with groups of church leaders.
He has written a comprehensive syllabus to give out to conference attendees as well.
There are many reports of people getting saved, healed and delivered.

JJ and Cynthia with some of the Evangelism Conference attendees in Mala. Some of these conferences were organized by Marcos & Eloisa Venegas.
I (Brian) was recently in Peru for a couple of weeks. While there I spent a lot of time with the leaders we work with and we also hosted a three day Renew, Refresh and Revive Retreat with these leaders. It was a fantastic time, and God did some beautiful things in the hearts of these precious dedicated leaders. I taught a series on the Kingdom of God, including some things that were new and fresh to them. We prepared a syllabus for them to use to take these messages to their churches.

Part of the group stopped at a chicken restaurant after the retreat!
We sometimes need to be reminded that we are not just a bunch of churches, we are a Kingdom, and it is time to unite under King Jesus and carefully follow the instructions in the Word of God to fulfill His purposes and plans instead of our own.