May 2016 Jim Randall Update

Thanks so much for praying for me. I was recently in Vietnam to do training with about 50 pastors. While I was there, I met with the pastor who is arranging for the publishing of two of my leadership booklets in Vietnamese. I also met with another pastor who will read the booklets onto CD and make them available for illiterate pastors in the villages in extreme North Vietnam near the borders with Laos and China. We will also put them into some tribal language up there as well. These can be used throughout the region in other countries. I just commissioned a Burmese pastor to translate the booklets into Myanmar (Burmese). God is at work in these parts of the world and the church is growing. These simple, yet profound, teachings will encourage and instruct pastors to multiply their leadership throughout the region. Thanks for helping with translation and printing costs. I found a printer in Vietnam who will print them for about 25 cents US or 7000 Vietnamese Dong.
I took a short trip to Singapore last week to meet with an Israeli chemical company salesman and the owner of a large chemical company as part of a BAM (Business As Missions) project that we hope will raise funds for missions projects here in SE Asia. We need to stop thinking of hundreds and thousands of dollars, as vitally important as the are to us at this time, but begin to think BIG if we are going to impact the world in the short time that is left before the return of Jesus. We pray in every dollar and husband it with care but look to the days when the wealth of the world will be used for Kingdom purposes. I have no desire to be rich, only to have what it takes to do God’s work in my last decade or so before heading home. It’s what we do for ourselves but what we do for eternity that counts. Please pray for BIG BAM projects.
I will go to western Thailand for a week to do another week of leadership training for an awesome ministry that rescues children involved in the sex trade and slavery. People in the west have no idea what is happening in places where life is cheap and are void of the impact of Christianity on the general population. These kids are transformed by the power of the Love of Jesus expressed through His dedicated servants who introduce them to their master. I have seen MANY orphanages and children’s homes in this part of the world but none compare to those of this ministry’s impact on these kids. They are truly transformed and you can see the Love of Jesus in their eyes. The eyes are the doorway to the soul and you can tell that Jesus is there and not just an empty stare as if there is no one home. Pray for Lana and her staff of 50 + workers at the children’s home in Mae Sot.
I will go to the US at the end of this month to meet my new Grandson, Rohan, who was born two weeks ago in California. I will also visit friends and supporters in Texas and Alabama. I don’t usually have time to visit everyone but wish I could. Honestly, I see Asia as my home now and not the US. It’s a nice place to visit but I wouldn’t want to live there. God has given me Asia GRACE. You can tell you are in the right place if you ask yourself, “If I could live anywhere and do anything, where would it be?” If you cannot say, “Right here, doing what I’m doing now” then you are in the wrong place.
Please pray for the following:
- Continued spiritual blessing from the Lord to do His work.
- Continued financial blessings to do His work. I just had two teeth pulled and will get a bridge to replace one of them at a cost of around $900. They tell me that I need to get a posts and a fake tooth at a cost of $2000. Please pray that the Lord will provide it I really need it.
- Publishing of the booklets in Vietnamese, Myanmar and other languages. Also for the audio books in Lao and tribal languages.
- A good safe and fruitful trip to the US for three weeks (end of May till mid-June)
- The October BAM conference in still being planned for Nigeria. Please pray that it will come together. Also for finances for me to return for the conference. I have invitations to several countries and especially potential projects in Uganda.