Jun '21

May 2021: Relief for Shell-Shocked Myanmar, Pastor J’s New Disciples, and Peru Updates
Posted on Jun 1, 2021 in Blog Posts, Brian Mark Weller, Burma, Burma/Myanmar Coup Relief, Emergency Relief, Evangelist P, News, Newsletter, Pastor J., Peru, Peru Feeding Centers, Uncategorized |
Jun '21

Evangelist P.: Sharing God’s Hope in
Myanmar’s Military Coup

Thank you for your continued support of the Myanmar Gospel Relief Project. Because of the recent military coup, many in Myanmar have been killed, injured, or displaced. By God’s grace and your help, we’re partnering with FTS Indochina to impact those affected.
Here are some pictures from a recent gospel food outreach conducted by MM Partner Evangelist P. Each person received a good-sized bag of rice and other necessities. Evangelist P. also shares the good news of Jesus Christ as he goes. Please pray for P., his family, and those he’s reaching through this relief project.
I want to give thanks on behalf of those who received your help. Your prayers and donations make special outreaches like this possible!
Not only are Myanmar’s citizens hearing the message of salvation in Jesus Christ; they’re witnessing the gospel in action through the brave efforts of P. and his team.

Pastor J: Training and Baptizing New Youth Disciples

We also want to celebrate the ministry of MM partner Pastor J. in Burma/Myanmar. He works among Shan people in an area mostly unaffected by the military coup and the pandemic.
This wonderful pastor with FTS ministries continues to win and develop new disciples as Jesus commanded (see Matthew 28:19). In these pictures, Pastor J. disciples youth, teaching them the foundations of the faith, and then takes them to a nearby stream where they publicly proclaim their allegiance to Jesus Christ through water baptism. Let me assure you, Pastor J. only baptizes those who long to serve the Lord Jesus with hearts of love and surrender.
With our team of faithful mission supporters, Message Ministries is honored to support Pastor J. and his family in the beautiful ministry God has given them. They’re reaching the people of Myanmar/Burma with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gloria a Dios!

Pastor Fabian: A New Ministry Building in Inca Wasi

Our Peruvian partners Pastor Fabian and Cecilia began ministry in a new area called Inca Wasi (in Pachacutec) a while ago. For a season, they met out front of a sister’s house to minister separately to children, youth, and adults. We saw the pictures and felt compelled to help shelter the church from the elements. That Pacific breeze can get very cold, and the Peruvian sun scorching hot!
We discussed construction with the leaders of MM Peru and decided to move forward. Since Pachacutec only gets about two inches of rain annually, we concluded a simple yet sturdy building would serve as an excellent place of ministry. A dear sister and her family offered the land and we got started. Pastor Fabian and his crew built this little building with a concrete floor, wood-panel walls, a front window, and a strong door for about $1,750. They were also able to put a fresh roof over the family’s heads. Praise God!
We’ve included a picture of the construction process and of a recently conducted special gospel and food outreach to the people of Inca Wasi. They regularly minister to children and disciple about 18 youth. God is on the move in Inca Wasi, and we feel blessed to play a small role in the ministry of extraordinary saints like our dear friends Pastor Fabian and Cecilia!
Thanks to our mission supporters who make things like this possible, and thank you, Lord, for divine opportunities to serve you around the world.

Pastor Julio: Ministry to Youth and Children in Costa Azul

We’re honored to play a small role in the ministry of Pastor Julio at Cristo Sanador Divino Church in Costa Azul (Lima, Peru). Message Ministries has assisted this children’s ministry since about 2007.
Every week, Pastor Julio and his team minister to and disciple the children and youth through God’s word. They “taste and see that the LORD is good” through God’s Word (Psalm 34:8) and then partake in a good meal together. We praise God for Pastor Julio, the children’s ministry teachers, and those who cook for these young disciples of Jesus Christ. Please pray for them as they carry on their ministry in Costa Azul.

Join Arms with MM!

We couldn’t do what we do in Cambodia, China, India, Laos, Myanmar, Peru, and Thailand without your love and support. Together, we honor God and give all glory to God, for He alone is worthy of praise and honor! Would you like to help us SHARE GOD’S HOPE worldwide? Click the appropriate button now to give now or learn how to help.
Senders Focus May 2021

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