Oct '19

Ministry of the Week: Pastor J. is Reaching the Unreached in Burma’s Drug Capital
Posted on Oct 7, 2019 in Blog Posts, Burma, News, Newsletter, Pastor J., Uncategorized |
Oct '19

We’ve started a new site feature — the ministry of the week! Every week, we will highlight one of our ministry partners to encourage missions zeal and connect you to amazing missions opportunities. This week, we want to connect you with a Burmese pastor who has seen great spiritual fruit against all odds. We pray this article blesses you. As you read, ask the Lord, “What’s my role?”
A nation lost in drug addiction. 1/3 of its population in radical poverty. And over 45 million with minimum exposure to the gospel. Yet Jesus is showing His power and love. MM Pastor Pastor J. has dedicated his life to the salvation of unreached Burma.
Before his conversion, Pastor J. held a respectable job as a government officer—but all this soon came crashing down. Beneath the veneer of affluence and respect, J. hid a dark gambling addiction. Soon, J. gambled everything away. Penniless, ashamed, and hopeless, J. had no clue where to turn. In perfect timing, God sent messengers of Christian hope into J’s despair. Soon, J. believed in Jesus, surrendered to His will, and received salvation from his gambling addiction. Rejoicing in His new freedom and relationship with God, J. began to consider what would become his future vocation—Christian ministry.
Today, Pastor J. (50) is busy for God, laboring for the salvation of Burma’s drug-infested Shan State. Driven by a burning passion for reaching the unreached, Pastor J. has planted churches in many villages, winning hundreds to the Lord and showing many the path to freedom from addiction. In at least one of J’s villages, God has sent such an awakening that the church building can’t hold all of the thriving new disciples of Jesus.
Pastor J. doesn’t merely leave these spiritual newborns to feed themselves. He dedicates most of his time to discipling new believers. He disciples through church meetings twice a month in his home church, and twice a month in various village churches. He holds house meetings every Wednesday. And most impressively, he spends almost every evening visiting individual church families and pouring into their lives. God has blessed this spectacular spiritual work ethic with amazing testimonies. In 2019 alone, God used Pastor J. to save a government spy, deliver an insane villager, and heal a child with fatal dengue fever. Praise God for His saving power and grace!
Pastor J. works so hard because God has captivated him with a powerful long-term vision. About 84.3% of Burma’s population has never heard the gospel, and J. wants to help turn the tide. His goal is to raise a spiritual army of strong Christians who can spread the gospel across Burma through evangelism, church-planting, and discipleship. Such a vision requires strenuous labor—but Pastor J. has given himself to it gladly. He’s willing to sacrifice his time for Burma, knowing that this vision alone will bear long-term fruit.
Check out this awesome opportunity! Can you believe that you could provide Pastor J’s primary missionary support for only $100 a month? It’s true! Would you like to fully finance Pastor J’s labors? Click the green button below!
Want to help, but not ready to fully adopt Pastor J’s ministry? Why not make a one-time donation to Pastor J? To do so, click the red button below!