Laos: Native Missionaries 
Oppressive Communism. Widespread drug addiction. And 79.8% of the population has minimal exposure to the gospel of Jesus Christ. MM is partnering with Free to Serve missionaries in the unreached nation of Laos. Read below to learn more. 
Anonymous Missionary Profiles
(Identities protected for security purposes)
Evangelist Jam. evangelizes four large villages through personal witness, weekly house meetings, and music and reading lessons. This young man has already raised up more evangelists to reach more villages. We welcome your support for this pastor/evangelist.
Pastor Sun. is reaching Laos’s unreached villages through evangelism, discipleship, and worship leading. He is the main pastor of a Lao village church. We welcome your support for this pastor/evangelist.
Pastor Su. is reaching Laos’s unreached villages through evangelism and discipleship. He serves as assistant pastor and youth minister in Pastor Sun.’s village church. We welcome your support for this pastor/evangelist.
Pastor Ja. is reaching unreached Lao villages through evangelism, discipleship, and leadership training. We welcome your support for this pastor/evangelist.
Laos Pastor KH is a pastor/evangelist and ministers in four villages in Laos. He also trains other leaders to evangelize and make disciples.
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Pastor S. wins souls, plants churches, counsels pastors, and trains Christian leaders. He also raises children and orphans in a discipleship home. Lost in drugs and alcohol before Christ, S. now burns to train disciples who can reach a lost generation of Lao people. Click here to learn more about Pastor S. 
Feather Sound Church of Clearwater has adopted Laos Pastor S. To adopt another ministry, browse here.