Message Ministries Burma
Radical poverty. An opium epidemic. And over 45 million people (84.3%) with minimal exposure to the gospel. MM partners with Free to Serve in the unreached nation of Burma/Myanmar. Read below to learn more.
Anonymous Missionary Profile
(Identities protected for security purposes)
Pastor Ch. evangelizes and disciples new believers on the border of Myanmar and China. He aims to plant churches in thirty villages. He serves alongside his wife and six children. You can sponsor Pastor Ch. for $100 a month.
Pastor A.S. (age 33) evangelizes and disciples new believers in two Burmese villages. He serves alongside his wife and three children. You can sponsor Pastor A.S. for $100 a month.
Pastor A.D. (age 29) evangelizes and disciples new believers in a Burmese village. He also serves alongside his wife and three children. You can sponsor Pastor A.D. for $100 a month. 
Pastor Jo. (age 36) evangelizes and disciples believers in a Burmese village. He also runs a Sunday school for 60 children!  You can sponsor Pastor A.D. for $100 a month. 
Pastor J. wins souls, plants churches, pastors Christians and  trains Christian leaders in the drug-ridden nation of Burma. An addicted gambler before Christ, J. now burns to preach Jesus’ liberating power to sin-chained Burma.  Click here to learn more about Pastor J’s ministry to Burma.
Evangelist P. wins souls through evangelistic meetings and university outreach. He also ministers in his local church. Chained by drugs, alcohol and violence before Christ, P. now offers Jesus’ radical freedom to Burma’s young adults. Click here to learn more about Evangelist P’s ministry to Burma.
Evangelist P. has been adopted by another MM partner. To adopt another ministry, browse here.