Nov '18

November 16, 2018 Jim Randall Update
Posted on Nov 16, 2018 in Blog Posts, Jim Randall, News, Newsletter |
Nov '18

God Bless You! Thanks for praying for me. The past six months have been one of the busiest six months that I can remember.
First, I worked with Brian Weller and the Message Ministries group doing 17 eyeglass clinics in Cambodia. This was to help launch 17 new churches In these unreached villages. We saw more than 600 professions of faith out of about 1500 attending the clinics. The new churches are firmly established and growing. I was able to secure a free video backpack system from CRU (formerly Campus Crusade for Christ) that contains five videos in Khmer, including the Jesus Film, a projector, sound system and screen that all fits into a single backpack. Scott Fletcher who works with the pastor training part of the ministry was able to get free motorcycles for each of the church planters from the Christian Motorcycle Association in Australia.
I have been back to Cambodia twice since June to make sure things are being firmly established. Also I spent two weeks teaching at a Bible School in Myanmar. Between these trips, I attended the YWAM Together worldwide conference in southern Thailand. It was fantastic and I had an opportunity to meet with many old friends. There were almost 4,000 missionaries from around the world attending. It was a taste of what Heaven will be like with people from every nation, tribe, kindred and tongue. That’s where I met the head of the CRU Jesus Film Project.
Between all these trips, I have been working on several new booklets that will be published early next year in Thai, Myanmar, Lao. Khmer (Cambodian) and in Vietnamese. I will get them translated into Chinese for online downloading. They will all be online but some will also be in print. I have written a new booklet on How to Have Faith and working on Knowing God’s Will. These are not deep theological books but simple and hopefully easy to understand instructions for those wanting to grow in the Lord and help others as well.
I am working with an organization in Chiang Mai to develop a Sunday School curriculum for Cambodia. It will need new art work as well as story line from Creation to the Cross and beyond. We should have three lesson prototypes ready by the first of the year. This is a BIG project and will be used in other countries in the region with a few alterations in the artwork to identify with different ethnic groups in the region. Once we have made decisions on story content, we will translate it into different languages. We want to also do Vacation Bible School materials. Once the kids get involved, it will be easier to draw the parents into the net.
I continue to do mentoring and counseling when I am in Chiang Mai. I am so busy that two different people that I deeply respect have suggested that I slow down since I had my 72nd birthday last month. I am getting more and more invitations to do training. I will be in Bangkok the second week of December. Please pray that I will be wise in my work schedule. I always say that “I would rather burn out than rust out.” I don’t think there is much chance of rusting out from inactivity.
The New year is shaping up to be just as busy as last year. I am working with a British missionary developing a Bible School in Chiang Mai for tribal people who speak Thai. I have spoken in his church twice in the past three months. We will make some concrete plans by the end of the year.
I attended a conference last month that was planned for 1000 Akah tribal people in Doi Saket, near Chiang Mai. Tribal groups are growing. However, it is my opinion that traditional Bible Schools are not as effective as other methods of training. Please pray for me to help them to know what the Lord wants and move forward.
Please pray for our brethren in Vietnam. China is also cracking down and two missionaries I met have had to leave their work as visas were not renewed and another said this year would probably be his last to live in China. Things are getting back to the way they were during the Cold War era.
Please pray for the following:
1. Sunday School curriculum project for Cambodia and SE Asia. We need wisdom and finances to develop the curriculum. Vacation Bible School program also.
2. Finances to continue the many different things I am doing throughout the region.
3. Continued good health. I am having a bit of problem with two teeth. The dentist wants to pull them and put in Dental Implants. They cost about $1500 each.
4. Continued favor and open doors for ministry in SE Asia.
5. Along with the SS Curriculum project above, I need to publish some of my leadership and discipleship booklets. It only cost about $100 per book per language. Then I can put them online. Printing will come later.
6. Clear direction for the future.
God bless you and thanks for praying, Jim