November 2015
Posted on Nov 25, 2015 in News | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, christmas blessing project, corazones en fuego, evangelism, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, Jim Randall, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, peru missions, prefab homes, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg, upg's

Every year at this time, I like to look back at all that the Lord has done, and let out a resounding “THANK YOU LORD!” A life dedicated to world missions is definitely full of adventure – and I’m not just talking about missionary adventures to places like Peru, Southeast Asia and India. I am talking about the day to day adventures, like praying and trusting the Lord to meet all the needs associated with a World Missions Organization. Sometimes that can be a pretty scary endeavor! Every day I sit at my desk to stop and pray before doing anything. I ask the Lord to send His help to accomplish His will and His purposes, and to lead and guide us into what He specifically wants us to do.
- I pray and think about the countless people who are counting on us to do what we have committed to do for them. They too are trusting God.
- I pray and think about the children and leaders of the Loaves and Fishes Feeding Centers we support monthly in Peru.
- I pray and think about the Able Hands Vocational Training Center in Peru.
- I pray and think about the children and leaders in the Orphanages & Children’s Homes that we support with your help.
- I pray and think about the indigenous leaders we support so they can reach their countries with the gospel of Jesus Christ.
- I pray and think about James Sann’s ministry to the people in the slums of Cambodia.
- I pray and think about Jim Randall living alone in Southeast Asia in his retirement years to get the gospel to the unreached.
- I pray and think about the pastors and leaders we work with in Peru who work tirelessly to serve God and people.
- I pray and think about my wife and family who have given much to help answer the call God has placed on my life.
- I pray and think about our mission supporters who have trusted us to be faithful with God’s resources and have joined us in fulfilling His Great Commission. They play giant part in what we do.

The people I’ve met and the things I’ve seen on the mission fields propel me forward. The looks on the faces of the people I’ve encountered in places like the Stung Meanchey slums in Cambodia sweep through my mind, awakening me to His love for those born into a life of poverty and spiritual darkness. It is not their fault! But it will partially be my fault and our fault if they don’t get to hear about the spiritual safety found in Jesus Christ. I cannot, and we cannot just brush it off and hope someone else will step forward to get the work done that Jesus has called us to do. Friends, this is what we are about, getting the hope, the help and the love of Jesus to people.
Time seems to be getting short as we observe all the things going on in the world. How would we feel if when the Lord returns, He found us in an apathetic spiritual slumber? If the main thing that mattered to us was our own comfort, our own entertainment, and our own needs? What a shame it would be to have to stand before The Lord and realize we wasted much of our lives on ourselves. God have mercy on us! God have mercy on me! God show us what you want to do in us and through us! We’re here for you!!
Brothers and sisters, God has called us to be the Light of the world and to the world. We are to be the salt of the earth! We are to be the ambassadors of Jesus Christ to the lost and dying! We are to be His soldiers, going forth with the sword of the Spirit – the Word of God in our hands. Let’s be thankful that the Lord entrusted us with His call. Let’s rise up and do what God wants! Let’s put our own plans on the altar and let the fire of God consume us with His love, His passions and His purposes. Let’s be thankful that God is willing to use us to rescue the widows and orphans, to feed the poor, and to give sight to the spiritually blind of the world. Let’s continue to count the cost, and rise up and do even more than we have been doing. God will lead us and provide for us. All we have to do is surrender to His will and His ways.
Christmas Blessing Project – Peru
Christmas Blessing Project – India

- Please pray for provisions for the Christmas Blessing Project.
- Please pray for Message Ministries in Peru as we re-establish the ministry under our pastoral team of leaders. Pray specifically for Pastors Fabian, Jose and Gilberto.
- Please pray for Jim Randall as he continues to minister in the 10?40 window. Pray for wisdom as he writes also please pray for health and financial provisions.
- Please pray for Living Hope Ministries in the northern part of India. Pray for the children and leaders of the Mercy Children’s Home. Pray for the children and leaders in the Living Hope School in the slums near Delhi. Pray for Sudbodh and Sakshi and DC and Sona as they lead this ministry.
- Please pray for James Sann in Cambodia. Pray for wisdom as he ministers to those living in the slums around Pnomh Penh.
- Please pray for the indigenous missionaries we are supporting in Laos and Myanmar.
- Please pray for the children and leaders that we support in Laos. This is a communist country and it is hard ministering the gospel there.
- Please pray for Brian as he leads Message Ministries as we continue to expand around the world.
- Please pray for financial provisions to meet the needs that come our way.