Dec '21

November 2021: Check Out Our Upcoming Christmas Outreaches!
Posted on Dec 1, 2021 in Blog Posts, Burma, Burma Christmas Blessing Project, Cambodia, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, India, India Christmas Blessing Project, India Orphanage, India Slum School, Laos, Laos Christmas Blessing Project, Laos Pastor K, News, Newsletter, Pastor J., Peru, Peru Bible School, Peru Casa de Dios FC, Peru Christmas Blessing Project, Peru Feeding Centers, Thai Pastor I, Thailand, Thailand Christmas Blessing Project, Uncategorized |
Dec '21

First, we want to thank our regular mission supporters for your faithful giving. Without you, we could not meet our regular mission budget each month. We also want to thank those who donated towards this year’s Christmas Blessing Project outreaches worldwide.
We feel thrilled about all the opportunities God has provided and truly blessed by all the donations that you’ve sent for the Christmas Blessing Project (CBP). Without you, CBP would never be a reality. And because of the great response, we raised our CBP commitment from $10,000 to $15,000. [When we sent out our printed newsletter, we had raised it to $13,000, but then requests came from India, the Lord led us to raise it again!]. We’ve already received $10,600 in CBP donations and only need $4,400 to meet our goal!
We’ve already disbursed some funds. We sent $4,500 to Peru and $3,280 to India. Next, we will send $3,560 to Cambodia on the last day of November, and on December 10th, we will send $3,650 for CBP outreaches in China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand.
For each CBP outreach to fulfill its full potential in the Kingdom of God, we will need lots of prayers. So you can pray more accurately, we’re including the name of every location, with a brief description of many of the outreaches.
As you pray, please ask God to bless the leaders hosting each CBP event and that God would touch many hearts with the gospel of Jesus Christ – especially in unreached nations. Thank you!
Please pray for the following
Christmas Blessing Project Outreaches

Our CBP outreach in Cambodia will be hosted by Pastor Rin of Mercy Village Church in the slums of Phnom Penh. We are sending funds for Rin and his team to purchase gifts for 600 children for $5 each. They’ll hold a big Christmas event at Mercy Village with music, food, gifts, and the gospel. They’ll host outreaches at a couple other locations, too. We’ll also providea guitar and a cajón (beatbox) for one of the villages we begin helping monthly in December.
The following CBP outreaches in Burma, China, Laos, and Thailand will be hosted by our partners in FTS ministries.

Pastor J and Ministry Team
Pastor J. has been evangelizing and discipling in three new villages, and has already led many to the Lord. This Christmas, he plans to bring relief supplies and invite many non-believers to share a meal and hear the good news.
Pastor P.
The church planting work in Mandalay with Pastor P. is very fruitful. He has already led seven families to the Lord this year and plans to reach more families this Christmas. He plans to host Christmas meals with three different groups and share the gospel at each dinner. He also plans to host a Christmas relief outreach and give gifts to some local children and youth. At the end of the Christmas youth outreach, he intends to host a soccer game with the young people.

MM Partner Ch______ and her ministry team have kept busy reaching the Chinese neighbors for Jesus, and have already led some to the Lord. This Christmas, they plan to invite these new believers and their unsaved families to share the message of salvation. They’ll serve a good meal and give Christmas gifts to bless the children.

Pastor Kh__ and his team of seven evangelists have been evangelizing in nine villages in Lu___ Na___ province. They plan to host CBP food relief outreaches at each of those villages. They will invite villagers to feast in Christian homes, where they will give Christmas blessings and share the message of salvation. They also plan to break ground in four new villages, and to host a children’s camp for 70-100 children from five villages.

Bangkok – Pastor Somchai
Somchai has been reaching and ministering to ten families in Bangkok. This year during Christmas, he will minister to these ten families by giving them relief items and gifts. He will also share a special Christmas message.
Fung City – Pastor K.
This year Pastor K. was used by God to cast out many demons from many people. This Christmas, he is focusing on preaching the gospel to those families and their relatives. He will invite around 30 people to his house to share a meal and hear the good news. As a gift, he will give food bags to those families.
Maesai – Pastor David
This August, David planted a new church. He has five families on his ministry team, and they’re all reaching their friends and neighbors. This Christmas, each family will host dinner outreaches in their homes and share the gospel one-to-one around the table. They’ll also host a Christmas celebration for the children at the church, invite the parents, share the gospel, and give gifts.
Pastor Isara
Pastor Isara and his wife Joy normally host a large CBP outreach at a nearby public school where they minister. Due to Covid restrictions, however, they’ll host a CBP outreach at their house, and will invite children, friends, and neighbors to come. They expect 50 to 60 people to share a meal and hear the gospel. The children will receive gifts.

We have worked in Peru for over twenty years. That’s where the Christmas Blessing Project started 15 years ago. These CBP events are at some of the churches we partner with year-round. They will hold special celebrations in the church at the locations listed below with worship, dramas, and a gospel message. Each child will receive a gift chosen for them by the local church leaders. These are beautiful celebrations of God’s goodness and grace, especially after the difficulty of the last 18 months or so in Peru. They sent us a list of the children who are a part of their children’s ministries regularly, and we sent the funds to buy each a gift.
1) 50 children – Piedras Gordas – Ancon – Pastor Dionisio
2) 60 children – Pachacutec – Pastor David and Susan
3) 80 children – Pachacutec – Javier and Doris
4) 40 children – Bolognesi – Luz and Guillermo
5) 60 children – Sarita – Pastor Panfilo
6) 80 children – Costa Azul – Pastor Julio A.
7) 60 children – Valle Verde – Pastor Julio
8) 150 children – Lomas, Naranjal etc – Pastor Gilberto and Doris
9) 70 children – Pachacutec – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia & Walter
10) 70 children – Marquez – Leo Santillan
11) 60 children- Inca Wasi – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
12) 55 children – Tingo Maria – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
13) 50 disabled and elderly – Pachacutec – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
14) 70 prisoners – The Prison in Huaral – Pastor Fabian and Cecilia
Thank you for praying with us for many blessed, fruitful, and God blessed Christmas Blessing Project outreaches at the many locations listed above.
Would you like to donate to one of these outreaches? Just click the red button below.
God bless you! Brian Weller