Apr '24

Opportunity: Help Evangelist Snee Win Thailand Through Music
Apr '24

Today we want to highlight our partner, Evangelist Snee, in Chiang Rai, Thailand.
Snee began as a dynamic evangelist in Myanmar, winning many to Jesus through guitar and piano lessons. Now, he’s moved to Thailand to impact the youth culture for Christ. Snee uses musical instruction as a bridge to win the lost, disciple believers, and prepare Christian youth for their God-given musical callings.
Snee divides his classes into two groups—disciples and non-believers. This schedule helps him consistently strengthen the saved and evangelize the lost. However, he often unites both groups, encouraging his Christian students to share Jesus with their non-believing classmates. As a result, several students have come to the Lord, and more are on their way! We feel so grateful for God’s work through Evangelist Snee.
Snee’s musical ministry is a crucial outreach to the youth of Chiang Rai. Tragically, only 1% of Thailand professes faith in Jesus—but God is using Snee to raise up musical evangelists to sing the good news across the nation. May God use these youth to save countless lives in unreached Thailand! Please join us in praying for Snee, his students, and the ministry’s needs.
Evangelist Snee and his partners are preparing to establish a small recording studio to reach Thai youth through social media. Would you like to help them establish this new studio outreach? Click the green button below!
PS: Message Ministries first launched in 1975 as a music ministry. As such, we profoundly value Snee’s calling to use music for the Great Commission!