Apr '24

Opportunity: Shelter Cambodian Believers for $30 Monthly
Apr '24

Recently, I asked Rin, the pastor of Mercy Village Church, what needs he saw among his church members in the slums of Phnom Penh, Cambodia. He responded:
We work with poor children and families of all ages. In 2017, many families lost their homes in a fire, and the Lord used that to connect us. In 2018, I decided to follow God’s calling in my life—and by faith, I came here to live, love, and serve among them. Ever since then we’ve helped the village’s needy widows and elders. Right now, many are facing difficulties. If you’d like to support their rent, it costs $30 a month per family. The families would feel so blessed!
By God’s grace and your help, we’ve decided to sponsor rent for five families from Rin’s church for $30 monthly. For most of us, $30 isn’t much to give. Many easily spend beyond that to dine out in the USA. But $30 is an enormous amount to these elderly, widowed, and single-parent followers of Jesus in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Let’s lighten the load for these precious disciples. Thank you for helping us to help them!
Please pray for Pastor Rin, the Mercy Village ministry team, and those to whom they minister in unreached Cambodia. Message Ministries is grateful to serve as their mission support agency as they SHARE GOD’S HOPE.
Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.”
(James 1:27)
(James 1:27)
Would you like to sponsor rent for a Cambodian disciple?