Nov '24

Persecution: Twelve Lao Risk it All to Follow Jesus Christ
Posted on Nov 1, 2024 in Blog Posts, Laos, News, Newsletter, Uncategorized |
Nov '24

Let’s celebrate these 12 powerful baptisms in unreached Laos!
It’s not easy following Jesus in persecuted Laos. Lao believers face harsh rejection from family, friends, and fellow villagers, often losing opportunities for basic needs like education and business.
For this reason, it’s no small event when the Lao proclaim allegiance to Jesus. These twelve souls have placed their temporal well-being on the line to follow the Lord who died to save them. They’ve counted the cost and decided the glory is worth the sacrifice!
Now their hope is secure—their names inscribed in the Lamb’s Book of Life. They’ve been included in God’s eternal family and have gained thrilling access to God’s love, grace, mercy, hope, and peace. They’ve finally met the God they were created to know and love. To these twelve, that heavenly gift is worth any earthly loss!
Their lives should challenge us to surrender all for God’s kingdom. As Jesus said in Matthew 13:44, “The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again and then, in his joy, went and sold all he had and bought that field.” These Lao believers have risked everything to follow Jesus—are we willing to do the same?
Opportunity: Wouldn’t you love to transform unreached Lao lives like these? You can sponsor a native Lao missionary today for only $100/month! To explore our Lao sponsorship opportunities, click the button below.