September 2016

I love reading inspirational things that not only inspire and encourage but also challenge and exhort. Living in the USA, it is so easy to get distracted and to prioritize our personal comfort over our contribution to the purposes and plans of God. Many get sucked into the vacuum of self and spend far too much time chasing after their own dreams and desires. All the while, the plans of God are put on the shelf for a more “opportune” time. Have you ever lived that way? Are you living that way now? Wherever you are today, I pray that this newsletter will be a blessing to you. May God use this to either get us back on track with Him, or to help us stay on track with Him and His Kingdom plan.


Since we are now working in Burma (Myanmar) I recently re-read the biography of the first American missionary, Adoniram Judson, who spent his life serving the Burmese people. I was inspired as I read about all the trials that he, his wife Ann, and their family faced in order to fulfill the Great Commission. When they left for the mission field on February 19, 1812, they only had a slight idea of the difficult things that awaited them. Like the faithful missionaries before them, they counted the cost, and went on their way. They died up front — choosing to suffer in order to live out God’s call on their lives rather than to live in comfort at home.

The Judsons would go through trials that make ours seem like a vacation. Adoniram was beaten and hung upside down every night by his feet in a prison for being a Christian. He was rejected, whipped, slandered and oftentimes starved. His children and his wife died from disease. But through all this, he never gave up on Jesus, and he never gave up on the call to bring the gospel to unreached Burma. God had not only placed a call in Adoniram’s heart. God had given him a loving burden for the lost souls he was sent to reach. Because he saw the people through the eyes of God’s heart of love, he kept his hands to the plow of Kingdom service in the face of unbearable trials. Over Adoniram’s many years in Burma, he translated the Bible into Burmese. From what I am told, that translation is still the only one available in the country.

God may not be calling us to take the same dives of faith that the Judson’s had to take, but He us calling us to do our part to get the gospel of Jesus to those that have not heard. Thank you to those who are helping us to do our very small part in fulfilling God’s command. Together we can make a big difference — and if we refocus on what is most important, we can make an even bigger difference. Please think about the stats I am including in this newsletter and respond with God’s love.
Let’s “up the ante” from taking steps of faith to taking dives of faith. It’s time to dive into the very center of God’s plan to reach every soul with the life saving message of Jesus Christ.
In His Service,  Brian Weller
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2015 October - ASIA AFRICA Jim Randall Prayer
I’m in Nigeria until early October. I’m not in the Boko Haram area but there are soldiers with automatic weapons and machine gun emplacements at strategic locations.  Reminds me of Pakistan in the early 1980’s.  
It is rainy season and lots more rain than Thailand. Traffic is horrible and no one obeys road signs, rules, etc. It is a completely lawless society when there is no policeman around. As I already said, there are lots of soldiers about. There was a huge armoured car in front of the c
hurch I attended and a machine gun emplacement out front with a .50 caliber machine gun.  Most soldiers carry AK-47 type weapons and sidearms. There are actually three churches together and an oil pipeline in the rear. The soldiers were protecting the oil pumping station rather than the churches.
The BAM Nigeria conference is just over a week away, 22nd and 23rd.  Please pray that we will be able to mobilize entrepreneurs to start business (missionary) works in surrounding countries as well as in the Muslim north.  We are hoping to ignite a Business Missionary Movement to the remainder of Africa and beyond.  I have friends coming form the US, Australia, Asia and Europe as well as other places in Africa for the conference.  Please pray that it is well attended. 
The remainder of the year looks busy for me in Thailand, Vietnam and Cambodia.  It’s a good thing that I’m only 25 years old (on the inside).  I won’t be 70 for a few weeks yet.  I don’t plan to retire but rather re-fire with the Holy Spirit and keep going till I finish my course, whatever and wherever that may be.  I have determined to live until I die.  God gets to decide when that time will be. I believe that I am immortal until my assignment is done.  Boko Haram can’t touch me without God’s permission.
I hope all is going well with you.  Thanks for praying.  My regular e-mail server will not work here because of the volume of spam that comes from juno.  I can still get and send from my cell phone but it is too much to type.  (If you don’t get a response from Jim, that is why.)
God bless you and thanks for praying for me,   Jim

Please pray for the following:
  • Safety as I travel in Lagos and my meeting schedule. We need to meet with lots of people but have not always been able to get there on time because of HORRIBLE traffic.
  • Favor with people and open doors to meet key leaders.
  • That the conference on 22nd and 23rd will be well attended and
  • people will be inspired to become a new missions force for Nigeria,
  • all of Africa and the world.
  • That I would be able to lose some weight on this trip, and maintain good health and energy.
  • That God would
     use me and fill my mouth with His words wherever I go.
  • dscf3833
Randall Webpage
In the process of investing more time and resources in the SE Asia and the 10/40 window weare focusing more of our time in Peru on equipping, training and releasing indigenous ministries there that are less dependent on help from the USA.  There are so many amazing ministers and ministries in Peru and they need less of our help as time goes by.  We will still be taking strategic trips and sending strategic teams as the Lord leads.  In Peru, we continue to support 11 children’s Feeding Center ministries, the Able Hands Vocational Training Centers, the eyeglass clinic evangelistic outreaches, the youth camps etc.
Please pray for our upcoming mission to Peru. We will start off by doing a missions training and discipleship retreat with the Corazones en Fuego group at our mission base in Marquez. This retreat will include some of the youth and young adults that responded to the call to missions at the Peru Youth Camp this past June. My son JJ will accompany me along with Cort Bennett, and Garrett and Antonetta Votaw.  We will also be visiting the churches and some of the other ministries we support in Peru.
Our efforts in Peru at this time are focused on helping the pastors we work with raise up more youth missionaries who can do missions through their local churches as well as with the Corazones en Fuego group.  This group is made up of youth from the various churches we work with in Peru.  Please pray for Pastor Jose Amaya and his wife Amanda as they lead this ministry. In the last year, we have entered a new phase in this ministry and it is growing and expanding like never before.  
Also, please continue to pray for the funds still needed to put the roof on at the Message Ministries Missions Base in Peru.  We still need about $3,000 for the roof and another $3,000 to finish the room with windows etc. This base is a launching point for indigenous missionaries and a place of discipleship and training to help reach the nation of Peru with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Gloria a Dios!  
In His service,  Brian
If you would like to help us
Send the gospel to the world,
help feed the poor,
care for orphans,
provide vocational training,
support indigenous missionaries
please consider becoming a sender.  
For $30 a month you can make a difference!  Thank you!
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