Sep '19

September 2019 Update: Mission Stories from Cambodia and Peru
Sep '19

This June, Message Ministries went on mission to reach Cambodia and Peru for Christ. We asked our short-term missionaries to let you know about their experiences. Keep reading to hear about these trips from the perspective of Anne Weller and Cort Bennett!
Cambodia: The Cow That Came to Class

Children’s ministry in Cambodia is full of surprises. Each day was an adventure. I really identified with Jesus as we tried to find the best spots for children’s ministry in each village. I imagine Jesus would go to an area and ask his disciples, “Where should we set up?“ Everyone would purvey the area and try to find a shady spot without ant hills. Then they might set down a big cloth on the ground for people to sit on. As the people kept coming, Jesus might have to find a way to amplify his voice, or get higher than the crowd so they could see him as he taught. I’m sure the crowds were so eager to hear His stories. They didn’t care where they sat as long as they could hear His voice.

What a laugh! A cow approaches Anne Weller’s side as she ministers to children in a Cambodian village.
The children of Cambodia were so excited to have their own classes. They were fantastic listeners and showed such eagerness to participate in all the activities. It was fun to work with the students—their eyes brightened with excitement, and they were so particular about doing their best in the drawings, games and lessons. Truly a teacher’s dream! Their little hearts were so open. They responded to questions, and so many raised their hand to say they wanted Jesus in their hearts.
Surprising visitors attended classes, including a young white cow, and a hen with her chicks. Such is life in Cambodia. The farm animals live among the people under their stilted homes. Ducks fill the vast fields near Cambodian homes. We watched as thousands of ducks followed their leader into the trucks to go to market. Such an interesting slice of life.
It was a wonderful blessing to have JJ and Cynthia with us in Cambodia. I was so impressed as I watched Cynthia minister to a female Buddhist monk. The woman wore a beautiful spotless white cotton shirt. The Holy Spirit gave Cynthia such a word picture to share with her. She said that there is only one person who can remove the spots from our heart. She said just as if your beautiful White shirt had a spot you would want to remove it. Only Jesus can go on the inside of us and remove any blemish of sin from our hearts and lives. I am certain that woman still reflects on those words today. I pray we will see her in eternity someday.

Cynthia Weller ministering to the children of a small, remote Cambodian village
Peru: A Mission With the CEF Team
by Cort Bennett

Cort and Leo (top right) with the CEF team.
This trip was an incredible mission of God with many opportunities to share God’s hope. I worked with Leo Santillan and the Corazones en Fuego youth discipleship team to conduct eyeglass outreaches in 3 locations. The outreaches went very well, and served as a huge blessing to the communities. We spent two days in Piedras Gordas. There, we helped take down the old church building, constructed a brand new first floor, and reused some of the original panels to make a second story for the church, doubling its size. When we finished, Pastor Dionisio offered one of the most passionate prayers of thanksgiving that I’ve ever heard. What a blessing it is to be a blessing to others around the world. We’re very excited to be a part of this ministry, and many other Peruvian ministries that share God’s hope.
We also held an MM youth camp called “Kingdom Come” at the mission base in Marquez, Peru. This camp was run by locals who love to serve—and I had the pleasure of helping out too. About 40 youth attended from different churches. The youth had an awesome time hanging out with each other. I taught them about their identity in Christ, as well as about sharing your faith in real life. The worship times were incredible, and of course on the second night we all danced before the Lord until after midnight.
This trip was a huge blessing to us, as well as the people we got to serve. Thank you so much for your support that makes all this possible.

Cort and Leo hold up the sign to for the refreshed church building in Piedras Gordas. On the stairs: Pastor Dionisio and construction helpers.