Oct '19

The Christmas Blessing Project is Coming! October 2019 Update from Brian Mark Weller
Posted on Oct 31, 2019 in Blog Posts, Cambodia, Cambodia Christmas Blessing Project, Laos Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Peru, Peru Christmas Blessing Project, Thailand Christmas Blessing Project, Uncategorized |
Oct '19

I’ve always seen Christmas as a vital opportunity to reach people of all ages with the gospel. I was only 23 years old when we formed Message Ministries Inc. in 1978. Even then, we scheduled many Christmas outreaches to offer Jesus’ love to the hurting. In 2007, we relaunched the ministry as a 501c3 non-profit corporation focused on world missions. Soon we wanted to share God’s hope at Christmas again. That’s why we started Christmas Blessing Project (CBP).
CBP is a great way to gather communities to hear the message of Jesus Christ—many for the first time. Through CBP 2018, hundreds surrendered to Jesus Christ around the world. Now, we’re already preparing for CBP 2019. We ask you to join arms with us in prayer and finances as we reach Cambodia, China, Laos, Peru, India, Myanmar, and Thailand with the true message of Christmas. In this letter, I’ll let you know a little bit about each outreach.
You can sponsor a Christmas Blessing in any of these locations for only $5. 100% of your donation will fund a CBP outreach.
Thank you, Brian Weller
CBP in Peru’s Child Discipleship Centers

In Peru, MM partners will conduct CBP outreaches in the ten child discipleship centers we support year round. Each center will hold a wonderful celebration with worship, drama, food, gifts, and, most importantly, the gospel message.
With your Christmas Blessings, MM partners will choose a special gift for each child.
CBP in Cambodian Villages

Our Cambodian partners will conduct CBP Outreaches in the villages they pastor. Whole communities will come together to celebrate Christmas and hear about Jesus.
With your Christmas Blessings, our partners will give gifts to hundreds of children. Last year, by God’s grace and your help, we sponsored CBP outreaches in 22 villages. Children received backpacks, pencils, and more, and our partners preached the gospel. As a result, 626 people came to Jesus Christ! Isn’t that amazing?
CBP in Laos, Myanmar, and Beyond

MM partners will also conduct CBP outreaches in Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. The Laos Children’s Home will hold a Christmas celebration and distribute your Christmas Blessings.
In Myanmar, our partners will conduct dinner outreaches. Instead of giving gifts, they will use your sponsorships to provide delicious meals for villagers to enjoy during the gospel outreach. (David S. told us this is much more fruitful in Burma). Meanwhile, FTS leaders will play worship music, perform evangelistic dramas, and present the gospel.
Last year, you sponsored 16 CBP outreaches in China, Laos, Myanmar, and Thailand. MM partners reported that 214 people received Jesus.
Praise God! CBP will return to all these nations with your help.
Bless a Child This Christmas
Would you prayerfully consider making a generous donation to one or more of these life-changing events? Your donation won’t only provide gifts—it will open doors for needy souls to hear the gospel of Jesus’ love.
Furthermore, You can even pick which country you would like to help—whether it’s one, two, three, or all. Each gift costs only $5, so even your children can participate and learn to become cheerful givers. We will send reports of the CBP outreaches before the end of the year so you can celebrate what God did through our teamwork.
Let’s share God’s hope in the darkest places this Christmas!