This Burmese Couple Couldn’t Have Kids – Then Jesus Changed Everything on Christmas
Posted on Nov 17, 2019 in Blog Posts, Burma, Burma Christmas Blessing Project, News, Newsletter, Pastor J. |

Christmas draws near, and many parents cannot wait to celebrate with their little ones. But millions of other married couples will spend Christmas grieving their inability to have children. Last December, Jesus gave an extraordinary gift to one such couple in unreached Burma. Here’s the story of how Jesus healed Mya’s womb and saved many souls through the Christmas Blessing Project.
Thet and Mya* dreamed of raising a family of their own. Soon after marriage they began working towards this brilliant dream, but only found frustration and barrenness. Mya had a womb infection — the doctors thought it might be cancer. This infection gave Mya constant pain and stole her hopes of raising a little one.
The young Burmese couple tried everything they could to reverse their luck. When nature failed them, they sought supernatural cures. They prayed to the animistic spirits for supernatural healing. They paid a large sum to a witch doctor who sacrificed a pig as a ritual cure. They went to the Buddhist temple and bowed before idols in fervent petition. But nothing seemed to work. After four years of failed attempts, the young Burmese couple felt their dream had died.
Thet and Mya’s dream came back to life through the 2017 Christmas Blessing Project. Our Burmese partner Pastor J. held a special Christmas evangelistic meeting and meal. During the meeting, MM partners preached the everlasting gospel of Jesus Christ and ministered God’s healing to many sick people. Thet and Mya did not attend the meeting, but word spread rapidly about God’s healing power. When Thet and Mya heard of the miracles, they knew they needed to seek Jesus’ help.
Thet and Mya called Pastor J. to their home, told him their dire situation, and pleaded for prayer. They had tried everything and knew Jesus was their last hope! Pastor J. prayed for them, but little seemed to happen at first. As he left, they felt thankful for the visit, but a bit disappointed about its result.
Several days later, Mya noticed something shocking. For the first time in years, she didn’t feel any pain in her womb! Jesus Christ had healed her! Thrilled by God’s power, Thet and Mya abandoned animism and buddhism, gave their lives to Christ, and asked Pastor J. to baptize them. Soon, they began working towards their dream again — but this time, they had success! With God’s supernatural help, they finally conceived their first child.
Today, Thet and Mya are enjoying pregnancy, following Jesus Christ faithfully, and sharing their testimony with their family and neighbors. As a result, many have come to Christ, including six family members. Many others have become curious about this miraculous Jesus, and have started visiting the church to learn more. On top of that, more barren couples have sought Jesus’ help because of Mya’ testimony, and several have since become pregnant!