Nov '19

VIDEO: Contemplating the ‘What Ifs’ | A Missions Moment #8 with Brian Mark Weller
Nov '19

Who wants to end life asking, “What if?”
One day, each of us will give account to God for our lives. On that day, many will ask, “What if I had fulfilled God’s call?” Thank God, we don’t need to end life in regret. God wants to help us finish well! In this inspirational video, Brian Mark Weller challenges us to face the ‘what-ifs’ today so we can experience God’s beautiful transformation.
Brian reminds us: “It’s a good thing to evaluate our spiritual state! We don’t do it to condemn ourselves for what we haven’t done nor to lose heart over what we could have done better. We do it to exhort ourselves to go deeper in our relationship and service to the Lord Jesus Christ. After all, He gave His life so we could be saved from our sin and spend a glorious eternity with Him in Heaven. Our worship and service are our response to the great and amazing love our Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ have already given us.”
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