Apr '24

Video: How the Santillans Brought Jesus’s Hope to Poverty-Stricken Pachacutec
Apr '24

We’re so grateful to partner with Pastor Pou as he evangelizes Khompong Thom Province, Cambodia, assisted by Mercy Village. Pou is a pastor, children’s minister, and Bible teacher passionate about winning the lost and discipling believers to maturity. He also teaches children’s English classes to propel the villages towards a thriving economic future. Watch this one-minute video to witness the beautiful harvest God has reaped through this ministry!
Please join us in praying for Pou, his family, his ministry team, his partners at Mercy Village, and the wonderful family of God under their care. Cambodia has experienced an impressive move of God in recent years—but still, as of 2024, only about 1% of Cambodians profess faith in Christ. Let’s intercede for a dramatic move of salvation among God’s precious Khmer people! Thanks for helping us share God’s hope.
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