April 2017
Posted on May 2, 2017 in Emergency Relief, News, Peru, Peru Corazones en Fuego, Peru Emergency Relief | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, discipleship, evangelism, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, Jim Randall, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, Peru Flood Relief, Peru Mudslides, Peru Relief Work, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg's

Message Ministries and Missions’ Peruvian board of directors has decided to plant a church in Cajamarquilla, one of the areas devastated by the mudslides. They will send teams from their churches on a regular basis to minister to the people there both practically and spiritually.
In June and July, MM mission teams plan to construct prefab homes for several flood victim families as well. On the right, I’ve placed a couple pictures from my recent 10 day mission to Peru. Please go to www.perufloodrelief.com to see more pictures, as well as video updates.

In June I travel back to SE Asia (Cambodia & Thailand) with my son JJ Weller and Darius Tears. We have already planned a youth/young adult discipleship and missionary training camp in Cambodia. Strong Cambodian believers from 25 different provinces will attend the camp, and we pray that we can help equip these young adults to go back to their communities as missionaries.
Only 1.61% of the population of Cambodia profess Christianity, and most Cambodians have never heard the gospel once. While 85% of the population professes Buddhism (Joshua Project), many young Cambodians do not practice Buddhism and are seeking for real answers. We hope to inspire young Cambodian Christians to rise up and reach their nation with the saving message of Jesus Christ.
- Would you please pray for us as we prepare for this mission?
- Would you pray for Jim Randall and his son Tim who will join us?
- Would you please pray for God’s provisions for this trip, including travel expenses and the costs of the camps we will conduct?

Hello from Chiang Mai,
Thank you for praying and for supporting the work I am doing here in SE Asia to advance the Kingdom of God. God has blessed and continues to open doors. I will be leaving next Thursday for Kunming, China to do several days of pastor training. It is a fact that we can become much more productive when we know how to do our job skilfully. Big companies and the military spend lots of time training their people to do their job and upgrade skills. It is the same in the Body of Christ. Churches often have training for leaders and seminars for people to become more skillful so they can accomplish more.
I like what Reinhard Bonnke says about his mission in life. I have come to “Plunder Hell to populate Heaven.” His ministry also trains others to do what he does after he leaves. Whatever God has called us to do as our part in advancing His Kingdom, we need to continually upgrade and improve our skills. God’s assignment for me it to continually encourage and train leaders for more effective ministry here in Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, Laos, Myanmar, China, Australia and in Africa.
I spend time each week mentoring missionaries who need encouragement, prayer and suggestions for becoming more effective in their work. You might be surprised to learn that missionaries, as front line soldiers in the Battle for souls of men, women and children, are under continual attack from our spiritual enemy, Satan. We hear about the major attacks on ministries but missionaries are continually under attack here just like in your country. Discouragement, disappointment, family issues and finances are issues that most missionaries deal with continually. I spend quite a bit of time being a pastor to missionaries.
I am grateful that I have a great team of people like you who pray for me and as it were, “holding up my arms’ in the battle. (Exodus 17:12). Prayers, financial support to do the work and notes of encouragement are all part of supporting me and the work I do here in SE Asia and beyond. Thank you!
I flew to Bangkok last week for a meeting at the Nigerian Embassy with the Ambassador. As a result, I was promised a two year multiple entry visa for my next trip in the fall. God is also opening doors to South Africa and Ghana for that upcoming trip.
In June, Brian Weller and a team will come to minister and train youth leaders to become more effective in their ministry. Please pray for me as I work with local leaders to set up the schedule God wants for them.
God has kept me very busy so far this year and it looks like momentum is building for an even busier season ahead. He has also kept me healthy and full of energy. Thank you for your prayer and financial support that enables me to be God’s hand extended to the lost and dying people with no hope here in my part of the world, as well as to discouraged and/or hurting missionaries. Thank you again for your prayers and financial support.
If you would like to support Jim in his ongoing ministry in Asia please use the donate button below.
March 2017 – Peru Flood ReliefMarch 25, 2017In “Emergency Relief”
April 2016May 5, 2016In “Emergency Relief”
2018 A Year of OpportunitiesJanuary 29, 2018In “News”