
NEW! Foreign Missions Website

Message Ministries and Missions is involved with a variety of ministry outreaches. These include not only our mission work in Peru and India, but also our outreaches here in the United States: Cross Street Youth Camps, WELLER, and the Brian Weller Music and Teaching Ministries. We’re also quite active on the Internet through our main website,, as well as Facebook, YouTube, and other sites.

Our goal with the new website you are looking at now,, is to place all of our mission-related updates, videos, photos, newsletters, and other items on a smaller, user-friendly site. The original site,, will remain intact. That site gets thousands of hits every month from more than fifty nations, and websites all over the world link to our site.

For those of you primarily interested in our foreign mission work, I think you will find this site more user-friendly and easier to navigate.