November 2013
Posted on Nov 11, 2013 in India, India Orphanage, News, Peru, Peru Corazones en Fuego, Peru Vocational Training Centers, Teaching | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, Brian Weller, christmas blessing project, evangelism, Feeding Center, great commission, Indigenous missions, Message Ministries, Missions, orphans, Peru, Peru Youth

Updates From Around The World
Once or twice a year we send our newsletter out to our entire mailing list. This month, we’ll update you on some of the opportunities God has given us to fulfill His Great Commission around the world. With the exception of a few strategic, short-term mission teams, this mission work is conducted by the native people. We are extremely blessed to work with such amazing Christian leaders, men and women who are passionate about serving God and ministering to the people in their own communities and countries. Here are a few updates about what we’ve done over the last month, and also information about upcoming opportunities. In His service, Brian Weller
AFRICA – Mission Uganda
Mike and I will travel to Northern Uganda with Marco Aroni and Mariel Piper from November 22nd through December 11th. We are excited to see how the Lord will use our ministry in orphanages, hospitals, a medical clinic we’ll be hosting at a local church (everyone welcome), a youth conference, and in remote bush villages as we do door-to-door evangelism. We know that The Lord has ordained each of us to go, and we can’t wait to see HIS plan.
We need all the prayer and financial support we can get as a team, and also for ministry opportunities such as the medical clinic, and for crafts for hospital and orphanage visits.
Thank you in advance for partnering with us! Katie Goreski
ASIA – Jim Randall Field Report
In October, Jim ministered in five different countries including Thailand, Cambodia, Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Jim is now in Mandalay, Myanmar at a pastors’ and leaders’ conference, teaching on leadership and how to start small businesses to support ministries.
Jim is always on the move in that part of the world, training Christian leaders for ministry and helping them set up businesses to support themselves in ministry. Please pray for Jim as he goes forth in this very difficult area of the world known as “the 10/40 window.” Jim never asks for anything; he lives a life of faith. We are committed to be Jim’s support ministry. Thank you for your prayers as we continue to trust the Lord to meet all the needs associated with Jim’s work in Asia.
A Note from Jim Randall:“The picture at left is a “convenience store” started by a woman who operates an orphanage with 24 children in Yangon, Myanmar. She took BAM (Business as Missions) classes to learn how to start and operate the business; it supports her ministry with the children. She is in the center of the picture between Ryan and Mary, missionaries whom I work with in Yangon.”
INDIA – Living Hope Ministries Update
We are honored to partner with Living Hope Ministries of India. This is an amazing ministry. They train and send out native missionaries and pastors to go into unreached areas of India. Living Hope Ministries built and now operate the Mercy Children’s Home, where orphaned and homeless children now have a place to live. They love the children, educate them, and teach them about God’s love and mercy. In December, Subodh Kaushal of Living Hope plans on visiting our mission office in Florida. While he is here, we want to put together a sponsorship program so that you can support ministry to these orphans and street children, if God touches your heart to do so.
Please pray for the Kaushals, the pastors and missionaries they work with, and the children in their orphanage and school. Also, please pray for the people in the hundreds of churches they have planted in North India. In some of these churches there has been a rise in persecution over the past year. Christians in India today need God’s grace and power as they follow Him.
PERU – Lomas Vocational Training Center
These pictures are from the Vocational Training Center (VTC) in Lomas de Carabayllo, where Pastor Gilberto Varillas and his sons started classes teaching youths how to build and repair computers. This ministry is a part of
the Principe de Paz Church that Pastor Gilberto and his wife Doris started many years ago. Pastor Gilberto and his sons are very sharp in computer technology and are passing along their skills to those in the community where they have ministered for years.
With your help, we sponsor the Loaves and Fishes Feeding Center that operates out of this church. The feeding center ministers to children there three or four times a week with a meal and the Word of God. Thank you for your help!
PERU Angamos Vocational Training Center
We are praising God for the Able Hands VTC in Angamos, Peru. In its second full month of operation, Director Marcos Venegas is helping people learn how to make items they can easily sell in the surrounding communities. He is helping them start their own businesses! Janet and Carlos (both students)
started businesses selling these coat racks. They bought the materials, took orders, and now makes and sells them to provide for their families. Several others are starting businesses in the next few weeks.
Beginning in January, both vocational centers will build prefab homes for families in need in their communities. Thank you for caring enough to help us in these very needy locations!
PERU – Youth Discipleship & Mission Training
Every two or three months, ministry coordinator Marco Aroni, along with Pastor Jose and Amanda Amaya, host Cross Street Youth Discipleship and Missionary Training Retreats at the Hearts on Fire Bible School in Marquez, Peru. This photo is from a retreat conducted in November.
These three-day retreats are packed with time for worship, bible teaching, prayer and fellowship. The teens and young adults who attend grow deeper in their faith. They are excited about serving the Lord and reaching their communities and nation with the gospel.
Next week, they will put together a “Pollada,” a chicken dinner fundraiser to help pay for a mission trip to the jungles of Peru in February. Please pray for these young people as they seek to fulfill God’s plan for their lives, and also for the leaders who volunteer so much time to serve them.