The 4 Commands of the Great Commission: Remembering Our Forgotten Mission by JJ Weller

Before Jesus ascended to Heaven, He left the church one Great Commission: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15 NASB).
Today, 51% of evangelicals don’t understand what the Great Commission is. Even 64% of “Bible-minded” evangelicals have forgotten the meaning of this all-important command.
The truth is obvious. More than ever, we need to recover the meaning of Jesus’ mission and find our part in it.
In this article, I’ll present four commands of the Great Commission as found in Matthew 28:19-20 and Mark 16:15-18. In the Great Commission, Jesus commands us to:
1. Preach the gospel to all nations and people
2. Work miracles in Jesus’ name to testify to the gospel
3. Baptize new believers, and
4. Disciple those who receive Christ.
In Revelation 7:9, God reveals the grand finale of human history. When humanity’s struggle finally ends, God will fill His eternal Kingdom with “a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues” (NASB).
Yes, God is preparing a glorious inheritance for His Son Jesus—an uncountable multitude of perfectly-forgiven, wholly-devoted worshippers from every nation, tribe, and tongue. We must not merely wait for this happen. God asks for us to work with Him to bring it to pass (2 Corinthians 6:1). Jesus commands: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation” (Mark 16:15).
Many today are deathly afraid of preaching the gospel. We’re glad to quietly live it…but boldly proclaim it? “Not me.” According to Barna, “Almost half of [practicing Christian] Millennials (47%) agree at least somewhat that it is wrong to share one’s personal beliefs with someone of a different faith in hopes that they will one day share the same faith.” But Jesus did not stutter when he gave the Great Commission. As Hudson Taylor said, “the Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed.” If we would be Jesus’ disciples, we must go and preach the only message of salvation: “that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures” (1 Corinthians 15:3-4 NASB).
But we’re not merely called to preach to the same nations over and again. No, God’s love is expansive and universal—He loves the whole world (John 3:16). Therefore, Jesus calls us to reach every person and people group with the message of salvation. Tragically, the modern church has terribly failed in this call. To this day, 41.6% of the world’s people groups—41.8% of the world’s population—have little or no exposure to the gospel. 97% of these live in a region called the 10/40 Window. What will happen to this generation of souls if Christians like you and I don’t awaken to our heavenly responsibility? How will our generation be saved? As Paul asked in Romans 10:14, “How then will they call on Him in whom they have not believed? How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher?” (NASB). It’s clear—we need to wake up to God’s call to preach the gospel.
The second command of the Great Commission is to demonstrate Jesus’ miraculous power as a testimony to the gospel. In Mark’s record of the Great Commission, Jesus makes a shocking promise: “These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover” (Mark 16:17-18 NASB). Yes, Jesus promises that as we go, God will work wonders we never imagined for His glory. Christ’s promise implies a command—seek to become a vessel of His miraculous power. Jesus sends us out much like He sent the twelve: “As you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons. Freely you received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:7-8 NASB).
Miracles are very controversial in the modern church, but they shouldn’t be. As the late Derek Prince often pointed out, there’s no example of ministry in the New Testament without miracles. Jesus worked miracles. The apostles worked miracles. “Everyday” Christians were even used by God to work miracles (remember when regular-old Ananias was used to restore Paul’s sight?). Church history doesn’t record a time when miracles ceased. Christian history is the history of miracles. Why should it all stop now?
I don’t write this to win a theological debate, but to point us back to our original mission. Miraculous ministry is part of the Great Commission. Healing, deliverance, prophecy, and their kin go hand in hand with preaching the gospel. Miracles are not fireworks for super-Christians. They are signs of Jesus’ saving power, meant to draw attention to the most important message in the universe: King Jesus died and rose again to save all men from sin and judgment. With that glorious truth considered—have you ever tried praying for a sick person? Maybe that step seems too frightening for you. Why not study the Bible’s teaching about God’s miraculous power with an open heart? If you seek God for His power and study God’s Word for His methods, He will surely give you His blessing in due time.
I will give a warning. We must not let miraculous ministry become more important than preaching the gospel. Many today have lost their way by healing the sick but forgetting the soul (especially young people). Don’t make the same mistake—make the message of salvation from sin your first priority.
The third command of the Great Commission is to baptize those who receive the gospel. In Matthew 28:19, Jesus says, “go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (NASB). In Mark 16:16, Jesus promises that “whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned” (NASB). The truth is clear—if we don’t baptize new believers, we’ve failed to obey the Great Commission fully.
The New Testament teaches that baptism is an important part of becoming a Christian. On the Day of Pentecost, Peter told the masses how to receive salvation: “Repent, and each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit” (Acts 2:38 NASB). When Ananias led Paul to Christ, he exhorted him clearly: “Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name” (Acts 22:16 NASB). In Romans 6, Paul pinpoints the moment we begin new life in Christ: “We were…buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life” (Romans 6:4 NASB). It seems that the modern church has seriously overlooked the importance of baptism in our mission.
Now, I’ll be clear. Water cannot save you; only blood—the blood of Jesus. But in baptism, we make “an appeal to God for a good conscience—through the resurrection of Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 3:21 NASB). Baptism is the biblical “sinner’s prayer.” For this reason, whenever we win someone to the Lord, we should seek to baptize them as soon as possible. Only, we should make sure that the new believer enters the water in true repentance and faith, trusting God to cleanse their conscience and renew their inner man.
Anyone can baptize—the Apostle Paul was baptized by an everyday believer. What stops you and I from leading someone to Christ biblically?
The fourth command of the Great Commission is to disciple those who receive Christ. In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus commanded—“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . . teaching them to observe all that I commanded you” (NASB). I believe we’ve forgotten the spiritual power of Jesus’ call to discipleship. When was the last time you heard a message that deeply convicted you of your need to obey Jesus? As a witness, when was the last time you challenged someone to offer their life in total surrender to the Lord?
In the late 1800s, Evangelist William Booth warned, “The chief danger that confronts the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, heaven without hell.” Booth sure got it right.
In the last century, Christian missionaries have exported a powerless gospel more than ever before. This gospel omits the call to repent of past sins and follow Jesus in obedience by life or by death. As a result, the world has more professing Christians than ever—but shockingly few fiery disciples of Christ. If we would be faithful to Jesus’ Great Commission, we must not only win converts but disciples—true Christians who have died upfront, choosing to spend their lives learning how to follow Jesus Christ.
Perhaps we have forgotten this call more than any of the others. Today, if you mention Jesus’ commands, many cry, “Legalist!” If you focus too much on the Sermon on the Mount, others cry, “You’re giving us law, not grace!” But if we would obey the Great Commission of our Lord, we must teach our disciples “to observe all that [Jesus] has commanded” (Matthew 28:20). Yes, we must ground our hearers in the love and grace of God, but we must also show them how to properly respond to God’s grace: “I appeal to you . . . brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship” (Romans 12:1 ESV).
1. John Piper said, “There are only three kinds of Christians when it comes to world missions: zealous goers, zealous senders, and disobedient.” Which group are you in?
2. Jesus has commanded every believer to “go into all the world and preach the gospel.” Do you see this as your ultimate mission in life? What are you doing to fulfill this all-important command?
3. In this article, we reviewed the four commands of the Great Commission. Which of the four commands do you need to grow in? What steps are you willing to take to do so? Which are you strong in—and how can you share that strength with other Christians?

I go to Bloxham Baptist Church and you will be pleased to hear that the message you spoke of that Jesus taught
before departing our Minister talks about every service and we try very hard to carry Jesus wishes out every day we have a great Minister who encourages us in every way
Hello Olive! We’re thrilled to hear that your pastor teaches about the Great Commission, and that your congregation is seeking to win the lost! We pray that God uses you and your spiritual family to draw many to Himself. Thanks for writing us.
We would like to invite you to check out some of our free teaching videos, articles, and more. We think you’ll be deeply encouraged! You can find a lot here: https://messagemissions.com/brian-mark-weller-teaching/
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Many blessings as you share God’s hope!
JJ Weller, MM Staff
powerful explained… am blessed
We’re blessed that the message blessed you! We encourage you explore the following links for more inspiring missions content.
P.S. – this link has more inspiration too! https://podpoint.com/message-ministries-and-missions-podcast/series
A very Biblically balanced article. Every Christ-centered church should be doing all the 4 ministries of evangelizing the unsaved, doing miracles to testify to the Gospel, baptize the newly saved and helping the saved to grow in their relationship with God and urging them to do the same in due time.
Thanks so much for your kind words! If you’d like to learn more about how we’re seeking to fulfill that call, we’d love to send you an Ambassador’s Packet. To check it out and request a packet, please visit https://messagemissions.com/our-free-gift-to-you-the-ambassador-packet/
Wonderful answers my brother keep it in that way. I always enjoy the Word of God and I am ashamed to say I am saved . I believe in the Holy scriptures. The children of God are from every nations and this reminds me Ephesians 2:10-20.,2Corinthians 6 :14-18 and John 11:50-52
Amen! Thanks so much for your kind words. Keep following Jesus! Many blessings.
Iam not ashamed to say I am saved.
Amen, Muzi!
A excellent explanation of the THE GREAT COMMISSION.I
Thanks, John! We encourage you to browse these links for more challenging content about missions.
If you’re in the USA, we’d love to send you a free gift packet to further introduce you to our mission work. More about that at the link below!
Also, we welcome you to check out our audio teaching page for plenty of missions inspiration! https://podpoint.com/message-ministries-and-missions-podcast/series
Thank you for this piece, simple and clear enough to be understood. We are glad to be called into this ministry of reconciliation. God has been good to us at Missionary Support and Empowerment Ministry (aka Missionary Purse Ministry International). The persecution on the fields in several parts of northern Nigeria not withstanding, God’s word keeps spreading in the face of hostility. Keep us in your prayers.
Amen, Oyekale! We’re excited to see you spreading the gospel in Nigeria. We pray God grants a harvest of souls unlike anything you’ve ever seen before! If you want to find more challenging missions content, feel free to explore the following links:
I am really blessed with this message. I have been evangelizing in the market place,car park and in the bus without reading this great commission carefully. Having read through with great passion I shall continue in a grand style by the power in the blood of Jesus. Thanks
Hey Bajomo – that’s such a blessing to hear! Stay faithful! As Jesus said, ““One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much” (Luke 16:10). And as Paul said, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9). Your work in the Lord won’t go to waste! I’m so blessed God used my article to sharpen your sword.
We invite you to browse the following links for inspiration as you follow God’s great commission!
Many blessings,
P.S. – here’s another link with our audio teaching and podcasts.
So so bless by this 4 commands of the grest commission.i am a young evangelist trying to push more adder to tell poeple about the love of christ.But you took me more deeper .God richly bless your m8nistry and calling.pla keep posting and sharing tools dat will equip us for evangelism.Thanks alot.
Hey Franca, that’s truly wonderful to hear. Sometimes us who have a special call to evangelism can get discouraged by the inaction of fellow believers. Just continue to encourage yourself in the Lord and set a good example of true evangelism! Sooner or later, Jesus will speak through your life and your lips to ignite others for the call. Many blessings!
P.S. – We invite you to browse the following links for inspiration as you follow God’s Great Commission!
Here’s another link with more missions inspiration! https://podpoint.com/message-ministries-and-missions-podcast/series
I take this opportunity to thank you for your article on the Great Commission. As a new believer I am now able to understand better of the Lords command before ascension. My family was saved by His grace 3 years ago and we have a great testimony to share with our hindu brothers and sisters. We have been trying to share our encounter with the true living God with family and friends. Being a hindu before and after being saved we have been able to understand the difference now. We are definitely delighted to share the good news and have tried to do so with every little opportunity we get. We have also opened a page on FB to outreach to as many as we can. I feel there is so much to be achieved considering the number of souls yet to be saved. Please keep us informed and guide us with our journey sharing the gospel message on salvation to hindus. My FB page is named as LORD JESUS CHRIST WAKE UP. I would be very grateful if I could be guided to be more effective in my approach in this regard. Thanking you once again. Manish Deo Fiji Islands
Hey Manish, that’s such a gift! Your testimony inspires me. Keep walking with Jesus and introducing hindus to Him! Your labor won’t be wasted – as Paul said, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up” (Galatians 6:9).
And yes, brother – it’s no time to throw in the towel, the harvest is still great if we’ll reap it! Be encouraged, as you go into all the world, Jesus is always with you doing His work (see Matthew 28:19-20)
As for materials, we are producing a ministry training book that we’ll release soon. When it releases, we’d be happy to send you a digital copy! Until then, we encourage you to check our blog, YouTube, and audio pages. Here are the links!
Many blessings as you fulfill God’s call!
If you start your day by asking God to use you that day to bring someone to you so you can tell them about Christ way to Heaven. He will. Now If you do it on your own. You will hit a brick wall. Let him use you in his time and He will bring a person to you for his Glory to witness to and you will see what happens. I know because I experienced it You can not do it without God leading you. But you have to ask God first.
Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own comprehension. In all thy ways recognize him, and he will coordinate thy ways.
Thanks for this article
I’m well encouraged
May God help me to fulfill all His commands
Stay blessed
God bless you so much for the great work you are doing.
I could not start my academic project work on ”THE GREAT COMMISSION IN AFRICA, GHANA” until I met this article, and now my eyes are open to the topic. I believe by the time I will be done with this, I will already be gone to take more territories for Christ.
Pray for us.
I am blessed with the word, God bless you more sir, it’s a great reminder to us all. Thank you for the pieces of information, sir.
Yet, I tell you, Love your foes and appeal to God for the people who abuse you, so you might be children of your Dad who is in paradise; for he makes his sun ascend on the detestable and on the great, and sends downpour on the only and on the low.
I’m blessed with your message, Man of God, May the good Lord bless you
Marvels, as per the scriptural definition, block the need of auxiliary means and are not restricted by the laws of nature. They include God’s otherworldly mediation. Jesus’ wonders were rarely restricted; they were rarely questioned; they were acted out in the open; they were plentiful and moment. Whatever would guarantee the title supernatural occurrence today ought to likewise have those characteristics. Sadly, the contemporary church will in general downplay the possibility of wonders by marking anything strange as supernatural.
I am indeed blessed by this article and will surely give it more consideration. God bless you.