Message Ministries & Missions is an evangelical non-profit missions organization. We exist to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving power and grace throughout the world.
We accomplish this by:
Preaching the Gospel

Jesus died to save a world lost in the darkness of sin. We place the message of Jesus’ salvation at the forefront of all we do. We reach the lost through local churches, dedicated evangelists, special outreaches and by evangelism training.

Making Obedient Disciples
Jesus commands us to make disciples, not merely converts. We help Christians to grow in friendship with God, obedience to His Word, and action in His mission through local church relationships and special discipleship programs.
Missionary Sponsorship Providing Practical Needs
Providing Practical Needs
1 John 3:18 says, “let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.” We seek to love the whole world by providing their practical needs. We do this through feeding centers, orphanages, job training, emergency relief and more.
Indigenous Workers
The most effective way to reach a nation is by the loving labors of its native Christians. For this reason, we choose to preach the gospel through indigenous partnerships rather than through unneccesarily expensive American missionaries.  
Reaching the Unreached
40.6% of the world’s population lives in unreached people groups. That means that approximately 3.2 billion people have never heard the gospel once. We dedicate the majority of our work to reaching those who have never heard the name of Jesus Christ.
Word & Power
Christ commands us both to preach the gospel and to carry His miraculous power to the nations (Matthew 10:7-8). For this reason, we preach the gospel in its’ entirety and seek to demonstrate the gospel’s power through the gifts of the Spirit. 
Curious how you can get involved with Message Ministries & Missions? Check out Join Arms to discover 4 ways you can share God’s hope alongside us. 
Want to learn more about Message Ministries & Missions? Check out Where We Work to take a virtual tour of all of our ministries worldwide!
Looking to sponsor a missionary? Check out some of our partners below. Then continue to Sponsor a Missionary to see MANY more sponsorship options.
Pastor J. 
Pastor J. wins souls, plants churches, pastors Christians and  trains Christian leaders in the drug-ridden nation of Burma. An addicted gambler before Christ, J. now burns to preach Jesus’ liberating power to sin-chained Burma.  Click here to learn more about Pastor J’s ministry to Burma.
You can fully support Pastor J. for $100 a month!
Thailand: Apprentice Missionary B. 
Apprentice B. is an apprenticing missionary devoted to winning the lost for Christ. B. grew up in the Laos Children’s Orphanage, recently graduated high school, and now looks forward to studying for a lifetime of ministry at FTS Bible school.
You can sponsor B.’s apprenticeship for only $75 a month!
Pastor D.
Pastor D. wins souls and disciples Christians in three villages of North India. God often uses him to save the lost, heal the sick, and deliver the demon-oppressed. He was won about one hundred families to Jesus and disciples them to this day.
You can fully support Pastor I.
for $120 a month!
 Witness Our Partners in Action! | Recent Reports 

2011 Year in Review Video

2011 was an awesome year for Message Ministries and Missions Inc. God allowed us to do so much, and we are so grateful to Him as we look back and see all the beautiful opportunities He gave to serve Him. This video is a photo synopsis of those things.

A special thank you goes out to all our mission team members and to all our supporters for your prayers and gifts! Without you these things would not be possible!

A Great New Way to View our Videos Online!

We’ve just found a better way to host our videos on the internet for easy access to all those interested in our mission work.  Check out the links below.

See our Mission Team Videos Here!

See our Year in Review Videos Here!

In His service,  Brian Weller





We encourage you to visit our news page and catch up on all that has transpired in the last month at Message Ministries and Missions.  You can download our latest newsletter there and see pictures of our recent trip to Peru where:

  • The Vocational Training Center was opened and we held the first classes in carpentry and electric.
  • The Christmas Blessing Project for Peru has been completed and some pictures have started to come in.
  • We announce the opening of a new Feeding Center

If you haven’t already we encourage you to sign up for our e-mail newsletters by writing us an e-mail at  Also, hit the link to visit our facebook page.  Lastly, you can view many pictures on our shutterfly page and watch videos on our youtube page.

In His service,  Brian Weller

Would you like to learn more about Message Ministries & Missions? We’d love to send you a free gift packet to introduce ourselves. The Ambassador Packet includes: 
  • 1 Copy of Message Missions Magazine
  • 2 “Radicals for Christ” Missionary Biography Bookmarks
  • 1 High-quality “Share God’s Hope” Wristband
  • 2 Laptop Stickers
  • 1 “Share God’s Hope” Highlighter Pen
  • Our latest newsletter
  • And more