Posted on Jul 27, 2017 in Cambodia, News, Peru, Peru Corazones en Fuego, Peru Give-a-Home Project, Peru Mission Teams, Peru Youth Camps, Vietnam | Tags: 10/40 window, Asia Missions, Cross Street Mission team, cross street youth, evangelism, eyeglass clinic outreach, Feeding Center, fisher of men, fishers of men, great commission, Indigenous missions, Kingdom of God, Message Ministries, messageministries and missions, mission quotes, Peru Youth Camp, prefab homes, southeast asia, unreached people groups, upg's
In the Bible, risk always seems to precede revival. On this trip to SE ASIA, God called me to take a risk. Mark 16:18 promises that all who believe “will lay hands on the sick and they will recover” – and the Lord put it in my heart to have the youth test God’s promise.
After I taught about healing, I called any with physical pain to the front and asked everyone remaining to lay hands on them and pray for their healing. Immediately God began to release His power through those young vessels and heal many through their hands! In Cambodia, the Lord caused this to catch fire. The youth continued to pray for each other throughout the weekend, and God continued to heal through them! Some had formerly found little success in praying for the sick, but God released them into a new dimension of power. And what if I had disobeyed the Lord and avoided the risk?
I’ve missed many risks I should have taken in life; but when I have set fears aside and acted on God’s promises, God has often impressed me with His power and willingness to move.
Friends, Christianity is a risky religion. God gave birth to the Jewish people by calling Abraham to RISK everything and go to a nameless nation. God gave birth to the Old Covenant by calling Moses to RISK everything and bring the Jews to Abraham’s promised nation. The Father gave birth to the New Covenant by calling Jesus to LEAVE everything and come to Abraham’s nation to die for our sins. God also gave birth to the New Testament church by calling the apostles to RISK everything: to LEAVE Abraham’s nation, go to OTHER nations and preach the eternal gospel. This brings me to the question: what does God want to birth through our lives – and can we really expect it to happen without great risks? What risks is God calling you and I to take for the salvation of the world?
I believe God wants us all to walk in more of His power for His own sake – but this will never happen as long as we remain in our comfort zone. Let’s get honest and humble with the Lord, confess our fearfulness and ask Him to help us to take risks for His name.
While in Cambodia, we conducted eyeglass clinic outreaches in two regions: a village outside of Phnom Penh and the Ang Dong Slum Community. Between these two outreaches, we provided eyeglasses for about 365 people. Every person at the first clinic heard the gospel of Jesus Christ and received prayer – many for the first time. Some gave their hearts to the Lord and many received healing.
We only brought 500 pairs of eyeglasses because we wanted to see if eyeglass clinic outreaches bear fruit in SE Asia. They do!
Next time we will bring at least 1,000 pairs of eyeglasses to draw people to hear the gospel. I just received a message from James Sann saying they just did an eyeglass clinic with the eyeglasses we left behind for them to use. Gloria a Dios!
Children’s Ministry & Feeding Center
REACH Missions Training Camp
n June, we opened our first evangelistic feeding center in SE Asia! By God’s grace and your support, we purchased everything needed to start feeding and reaching children in Cambodia’s Ang Dong Slum Community. As far as we know, this is the first Christian feeding center in Ang Dong, and we believe that the Lord will use it to reach both children and adults with the gospel.
Food and materials needed for the feeding ministry will cost $200 a month, and the building rent will cost about $100 a month. This building also houses a water purification system that provides fresh water for about 700 families in the community.
Thank you for your love and support. We couldn’t have done it without you!
In July, we conducted a Missionary Training Camp to inspire Vietnamese youth to evangelize their own nation.
26 million people in Vietnam have never heard the gospel – and Vietnam’s communist government makes it difficult for Western missionaries to do the work. The Vietnamese must reach their own neighbors!
The camp greatly blessed the 50 youth, young adults and leaders who attended.
They left inspired and trained to fulfill the call of God and reach their country with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Cambodian children gather for a video about Jesus at the feeding center launch. Many children came from a nearby public school for food and ministry.

For security reasons we cannot include pictures of those who attended REACH.
We sent out two small mission teams to Peru in June and July.
The Cross Street Mission Team, led by Cort Bennett, ministered in Peru from June 15 to 26. They conducted two small, relational discipleship youth retreats at our Marquez mission base. The Lord deeply blessed all that participated; both our team and the Peruvian pastors reported that the retreats were great spiritual successes. The Cross Street Team also hosted an eyeglass clinic outreach and built a pre-fabricated home for a needy family.
The Oasis Church Mission Team, led by my son-in-law Mike Goreski, ministered from July 1 to 9.
They hit the ground running with a busy schedule of children’s ministry, eyeglass clinics and church ministry. They also built two prefabricated homes in Pachacutec – what I call “The Sandy Slum.” This team was a great blessing as well; the churches and leaders they worked with felt very thankful and welcome them back anytime.
Thank you for praying for these teams.
Also, we thank the Peruvian Corazones en Fuego team that joined arms with the USA teams to help reach the people of Peru. Gloria a Dios!

RUN THE RACE Youth Retreat #1 – Lima, Peru

RUN THE RACE Youth Retreat #2 – Lima, Peru

2017 CROSS STREET Team Prefab Home – Peru

2017 OASIS Team Prefab Home – Peru
Please continue to Pray for Jim Randall as he ministers throughout the 10/40 window. Prayer support for Jim is so very important as he ministers to many indigenous missionaries, pastors and leaders in that part of the world.
God is using Jim to make these leaders much more effective in their ministries to those who have not hear and to new converts to Jesus Christ.
Thank you, Message Ministries
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