Jesus died to save a world lost in the darkness of sin. We place the message of Jesus’ salvation at the forefront of all we do. We reach the lost through local churches, dedicated evangelists, special outreaches and by evangelism training.
Missionary B.
July 2012 Update
Peru Field Report: Cross Street Mission Team
We have been taking Cross Street Mission Teams on mission trips since 1997. Cross Street is a ministry of Message Ministries. This year’s team was made up of people from 10 different churches, all coming together to share the message of the gospel through music, drama, testimony, teaching and construction.
The Cross Street teams always make a big impact wherever we take them, in whatever they do. This year’s team continued that legacy! The team accomplished a lot in a short time! The team hosted the 7th annual Peru Youth Camp, built a prefab home, ministered on the streets, in a public school, and wherever they were. It was an amazing time, spent with some very amazing people who are dedicated to bringing the love of Jesus to the world.
Peru Field Report: Mission Team 2
The second Peru team was such a blessing. They were only with us for three full days, but accomplished so much in that short time.
On the first day, they built a prefab home, complete with electric. On the second day, they held an eyeglass/clinic outreach followed by Vacation Bible School ministry in Cerro Gorila with Pastor Carlos and Veronica. On the third day, they began to construct another prefab home, which was not in the original plans for this team. The home would have been completed, but some of the necessary parts were not available.
A special thanks to this team, which included The Bouvier Family and some folks from Living Hope Community Church! This was a family team. Besides five people from The Bouvier Family, there was a father and his daughter, and a mother and her son. It was a blessing to watch them serve the Lord together. When they left us, they went to Arequipa to serve the Lord there.
A Special Thanks to:
* Marco Aroni and the other Peruvian leaders for helping to make the Peru camp and all our mission endeavors a success.
* Those who supported team members, the Peru Youth Camp, donated the funds for the prefab homes and to all those who support us with your monthly gifts.
* All the Peru mission team members who sacrificed their time and resources to come and be a blessing to the people of Peru.
Prayer Requests:
- Brian as he continues to lead Message Ministries & Missions
- Marco Aroni – Peru Mission Coordinator
- Peru Leadership Team – Pastors Fabian, Jose, Gilberto, Everth
- That God would meet all the needs associated with this ministry
- Living Hope Ministries of North India including the Indigenous Missionaries, the Slum School and the Orphanage in Amritsar
- In September we will begin regular classes at the Vocational Training Center in Lomas de Carabayllo. Please pray for Marcos Zuniga who will be teaching these classes.
- Our planned mission trip to India has been postponed until 2013. Please pray for God’s give wisdom in regards to our involvement there.
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- 1 Copy of Message Missions Magazine
- 2 “Radicals for Christ” Missionary Biography Bookmarks
- 1 High-quality “Share God’s Hope” Wristband
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- 1 “Share God’s Hope” Highlighter Pen
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